His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi referred to the Bhagavad Gita as "the 
pocketbook edition of the Vedas". It contains all the wisdom necessary to take 
us from ignorance to enlightenment. 
 The Gita's most important verse, Maharishi says, is verse 45 of chapter II. 
Here Krishna instructs Arjuna: 'Nistrai-gunyo bhavarjuna' . Be without the 
three gunas , O Arjuna. Take your mind from the field of excitation and chaos, 
to the state of inner Unity, perfect orderliness. 
 In his commentary on this verse, Maharishi says, "It is difficult for a man to 
improve his business affairs while he himself is constantly immersed in all 
their details. If he leaves them for a little while, he becomes able to see the 
business as a whole and can then more easily decide what is needed". Similarly, 
transcending all mental activity results in great clarity, peace, and broadened 
awareness, which naturally put life in its proper perspective. 
 "Water the root, to enjoy the fruit" , sums up Maharishi. Just as a strong 
foundation is necessary for a sturdy structure, so inner silence is the basis 
of successful activity. By enlivening the "root" of the mind, the "vacuum 
state" of consciousness, all aspects of life get nourished. Maharishi had the 
key for this: Transcendental Meditation (TM), a technique of effortless 
 To understand what TM is, we need only analyse its name. "Transcend" means to 
go beyond; "meditation" refers to thinking. During TM, the mind goes from the 
surface, hectic level of thinking, to more quiet, less excited states, until 
one transcends thought altogether, arriving at the silent oasis of the mind. 
This is the state of anandam - pure consciousness - where the mind is 
completely calm and fully awake. 
 For centuries scholars have said that it is very difficult to transcend 
thought and gain the state of perfect inner peace. Maharishi knew otherwise. 
Transcending is easy because the mind experiences increasing degrees of 
happiness at every step of the way. No effort is required. Any force or control 
actually prevents the mind from transcending. 
 This technique of effortless transcending is validated by verse 40 of chapter 
2: "In this (Yoga) no effort is lost and no obstacle exists. Even a little of 
this dharma delivers from great fear". 
 Maharishi commented, "The flow of the mind towards this state is natural, for 
it is a state of absolute bliss, and the mind is always craving for greater 
happiness. Therefore, as water flows down a slope in a natural way, so the mind 
flows naturally in the direction of bliss". 
 By alternating between dipping a white cloth in yellow dye, and then hanging 
it in the sun, eventually it becomes colourfast. Similarly, the regular 
alternation of TM and daily activity results in a state where pure 
consciousness becomes permanent. Then one enjoys inner silence even while 
engaged in dynamic activity. 
 Besides the personal experience of over 60 lakh people in 140 countries 
practising TM, nearly 700 scientific research studies validate its 
effectiveness (e.g. increased alertness and focus, 87 per cent reduction in 
heart disease, improved memory, reduced stress). 
 Maharishi's legacy to mankind is a remarkably simple, natural procedure, which 
nourishes all aspects of life: mental, physical and spiritual. He said, "Life 
is here to enjoy and no one has the right to suffer". For over 50 years, 
Maharishi endeavoured to make the world aware of this. 
 http:// spirituality.indiatimes.com 

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