---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Says Barry, arguing with us. ;-) 

 Say, Barry, how come you're paying Ann and me so much attention this morning?

 (See what I mean about his not being able to come up with any new insults? At 
this point he's just using the old ones over and over--and they were flabby to 
start with.)

 I'm also getting tired of that same old graphic. At least he's moved on from 
that fairy godmother one (or was it Glinda, good witch of the north?). It's all 
getting so hazy now.









 Just because *someone* should do it, let's focus on another claim in this 
latest rant, the word "argumentative" I've highlighted below. As anyone who has 
been following the traffic on this site should know, this is total projection 
on Ann's part, because I *don't* argue. I think -- and have said often -- that 
I think arguing is idiotic, and I don't indulge in it. I allow the idiots to do 
*Ann* argues. *Judy* argues. Both of them seem to *live* to argue. 

What this stalking of me is all about is that I *fail* to argue with them. They 
try their best to get me to do so, because it's the only the way they know to 
get what they both desperately seek -- attention. When I don't, they interpret 
this as rejection (which it is), and then go crazy. 

 Need I point out that this is Robin Carlsen's act that they are mimicking? I'm 
expecting them to start writing 5,000-word diatribes like his any day now. 




 From: "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, March 1, 2014 4:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Why only 34 souls posted posted on FFL last week
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Forget the numbers and look at the quote from Barry's post--gratuitously 
unpleasant, as so very many of his posts are. If he had something intelligent 
and incisive to say, one could perhaps tolerate the nastiness, but that's 
rarely the case. Like this one, most of his "cynical" posts are thoughtless and 
shallow, just an opportunity for him to be insulting for the sake of being 
insulting. The regulars don't pay him much attention other than to laugh at 
him, but people who might otherwise want to join FFL are more likely to be 
dissuaded than enticed by his constant infusions of bile.

 Yuppers. Bawwy takes the first place ribbon for unpleasant, gratuitously 
violent, unnecessarily argumentative and demoralizingly repetitive and beyond 
boring. It's like someone had an idea to stick this token asshole amidst a 
group of people just to see what happens. Bawwy is like the 'plant' in the 
audience hired simply to stir up and create some sort of stink. Those who 
object to his odiousness are labelled one thing and those who ignore him are 
labelled something else. But bottom line, he's predictable and unnecessary 
because he brings otherwise interesting conversations down to the lowest common 
denominator. I found it worth a smile this morning that he proclaims himself 
50-50 right and left hemisphere of brain function. His evident pride showing 
through. He's so fucking predictable and the reason he is so funny is because 
he takes himself as seriously as he does. Thank God I can at least get an 
occasional laugh out of his presence here, otherwise he's a write-off. Dorks 
and assholes are a dime a dozen.

 Not a good argument: 

 If you look at the number of posters since the beginning of the year, as 
measured on Saturday (the final post count for the week), you can see that the 
number of posters has been steady, and though not statisitcally significant, 34 
is higher than the average of 33.11 posters over this period. So we have an up 
tick at the end of the first two months of 2014. Barry got you. You did not 
shun the place. Identification with the symbols we have in our heads for 
reality is a hard habit to break. Keep meditating Nabby, and maybe someday the 
dawn will come (though of course it is not really a dawn). If you want to think 
more clearly, I would keep my distance from Mr. Creme. But do keep meditating.


 34 posters as of last night.
 36 posters Feb 22
 34 posters Feb 14
 32 posters Feb 7
 33 posters Feb 1
 32 posters Jan 25
 29 posters Jan 18
 34 posters Jan 11
 34 posters Jan 4

 Perhaps you'll find why this place is shunned in these kind of cynical posts, 
this example from the Turq:

 "I can't imagine a better personification of what Nabby (and of course 
Maharishi) felt was the definition of "charity" or "selfless service." Bid 
against other people to spend time with a fave band, the money going to the DLF 
(and Maharishi's relatives), and you're cool. Not to mention the belief that 
having the money to bid with makes you one of the "elite," more highly evolved 
than others, and thus more worthy of respect. "



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