lol - that is an interesting image. I have been mining, sorting, and donating, 
my inherited stuff, for the last three weeks, so I can relate.
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote:

 This may be a duplicate, but gotta log off for a while, and want to reply. 

 Thanks Jim for your comment.

 Interacting with Judy can sometimes be like mining for gold.  You may get a 
spec of gold for every ton of dirt you excavate.  But excavating that ton of 
dirt creates a lot of waste and has been shown to be very harmful for the 

 Just a thought.

 ---In, <> wrote:

 I don't get why you insult Steve so much, and call him stupid, Judy. You are 
missing the point, that he comes across as a kind and reasonable person. With 
your consistent criticism of him, you do not.

 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Looks to me as though Emily is asking you to spell it out for her, Feebs. 

 Spell it out for me Emily.

 Really Steve, do you have any idea what you are saying?  This is your comment? 
 I mean, "Huh?"  "What?" (guffaw) Nobody could ever accuse you of trying to 
conceal your ignorance, Feebs. 

 Okay, okay, you gotta admit, this sounds like a man trying to sound like a 
woman.  A customer of our business is a transvestite, or maybe a man who just 
likes to cross dress.  We saw him last week, and he sounded a lot like the guy 
on this recording.  Also, I just came in from doing an errand, and they had the 
guy Judy was talking about, and he sounded just like a normal man. 

 So, I'm not sure what the big hubub is about.  I guess it is considered high 
art or something that a man can sing like a woman, and we should all oooh, and 
aaah, and shout Bravo! Bravo!.  Evidently I am missing something. (-:

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