Share, this is all in your own mind and if I saw a post like that come out of 
me, I would take a serious look at the assumptions behind it in my own head and 
---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:58 AM, "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...> 
   Why the left turn, down a dirt road? What you have written, has nothing to 
do with what I have written. I have no idea how to respond to you. Please 
examine your assumptions, below, and get back to me, if you want to.

 ---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Doc, turq did admit to his over the topness at some point in the pundit 
discussions. I think that's healthy. Do you remember that?

No one on FFL is ALL bad. Plus I don't think it's useful to demonize anyone. 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:51 AM, "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...> 
   What I am waiting for, Barry, is to hear about your past relationships, with 
women. I am pretty sure you have not been married before, but if so, SHE dumped 
you, and that may be the problem with you, right there (they are all cunts and 
bitches, huh?). Without therapy and a lot of soul searching, such a stressful 
event could result in you being as sadistic, abusive, self-distracting, and at 
the same time, scared to death, as you are. 

Enjoy your day - I'll keep working on this. To help yourself out, I would 
suggest recognizing the distractions, which come out of your mouth, and 
shutting them down, until you have faced your past emotional trauma. Thank you 
for calling me by name - it spurs my interest, in revealing you, to yourself.

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs 
they don't practice

[Salyavin's] Comments in red....   Mine in this color
---In, <> wrote :

 There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. 

 Are we reading different forums? Who are these people? I see a bit of 
criticism of things unrelated to meditation, like the ridiculous claims of 
yagyas and world peace creation that have nothing to do with TM but arose as 
cash-creation schemes that are successful only because people brought into the 
belief system espoused by Marshy. Anyone taking a long, cold look at any of 
these add-on claims is rapidly disillusioned.

 I would go so far as to suggest that after decades of buying into the 
bamboozlement perpetrated by Maharishi and the TM movement to come up with 
these cash-creation schemes, most True Believers are *incapable* of taking a 
long, cold look at much of anything. Just look at Lawson's post this morning -- 
a huge, steaming shitpile of justifications and apologetics ALL BASED ON A LIE.

 Same folks that get pissed at others for taking attention away from them. 
These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no abilities, no outside 
interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, to mirror their own. 

 In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Maybe people who have seen 
through something you fervently believe without any evidence is doing you a 
favour in bringing it to your attention?

The True Believers cannot possibly accept that those bringing these things to 
their attention are correct. To do so would mean that they were 
w...w...w...WRONG. Can't have that. 

Their True Believerism is a perverted form of ego-protection. They have 
identified themselves with what they believe in so long that they cannot 
possibly separate the two any more. Any perceived criticism of the belief 
system/organization they've come to identify with as an extension of their self 
is perceived as a criticism of their self. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

Sorry to labour the point but a life free of being ripped off by bogus and 
deluded holy men is a life of joy and wonder, just think of what you can find 
out if you aren't encumbered by dogma, there's a fascinating world out there. 
Naturally, I agree. Who would WANT a life based on a series of lies? Obviously, 
only those who have bought into those lies for so long that they would have to 
admit to having done so to admit that they *are* lies. 

Who was it discovered the gravity waves that prove universal inflation after 
the big bang, the pope? some pandit in a cave chanting 1500 year old poems? 
John Hagelin? No, it was someone with vision and freedom of thought to explore 
whatever avenue they wanted. It's that that enriches the world not new age 
foolishness. That, like all religion, holds you still and unevolving, not even 
question whether Your own ideas are correct. Some enlightenment....
I find it interesting that so far in all of this pandit kerfuffle, NOT A SINGLE 

Not one. Not Lawson, not Judy, not Jim Flanegin/Doctordumbass, not Nabby -- NO 

That's because they can't. The ONLY reason they blindly support this fairly 
obvious form of modern slavery and cynical exploitation of the gullible is 
because of one word -- Maharishisez.

 This is why I never got on on the TMO, they think they know it all when really 
they are floundering in the dark. If you want examples I've got millions. It's 
the fundamentalist religious world view that depresses me and not the people 
that try and see through it. Anyone who challenges the people who make money 
keeping good folks like yourself in the stone age is fine by me.

This also amazes me -- their inability to realize when their backs are against 
the wall, and that they are pursuing a course that will END the TM movement. 
The biggest failing in this whole scenario IMO is that they've obviously hired 
a True Believer (Goldstein) as their lawyer and mouthpiece instead of a real 
lawyer. Any real lawyer would have looked at the facts and advised them (the 
TMO in America) to distance themselves as quickly as possible from Girish 
Varma, his Indian Mafia, his history of being a rapist, and his ongoing scams 
to exploit poor families in India to use their sons as slave labor for their 
cash-creation schemes. 

These TM bashers have nothing to say in that regard, making the point, instead, 
that they are living proponents of a lifetime spent bashing TM, Maharishi, Guru 
Dev, Hindus, Indians, mantras, pandits, yagyas, and anything else that they 
attach their failed lifetimes to. This misdirected anger, is then meant to buoy 
the TM skeptics out there, with the result that they, of course, want to 
emulate the TM bashers, vs. learning TM. What a joke. For one thing TM 
strengthens the ability for successful social relationships. Compare that to a 
TM basher, who sits alone in cafes and his room, watching TV and drinking beer. 
What would your choice be? Pretty obvious, huh?

 You're going to have to help me out, I can't remember anyone here ever 
slagging off TM, it's just a meditation technique for crissakes. And we've all 
done it so we all know what it's like and how it compares to others (provided 
you've had the imagination and desire to learn new things enough to try a 
different technique).

Just today, for example, I -- the person they're characterizing almost as Satan 
Incarnate -- made a post saying that I would have no problem if the TM movement 
was still selling only TM. It is what I said about it in that post -- a simple, 
easily-learned technique of meditation, and probably worth what I paid for it 
originally, $35. It isn't "the best," it isn't "the only," and it isn't worth 
any more than $35, especially in today's marketplace when many other forms of 
effective meditation are taught for free. *Especially* when it is being sold by 
an organization sitting on assets in excess of a BILLION dollars. How could 
they *possibly* need more money?

What I object to is all of the cult baggage and "add-on products" that have 
been added into the mix, to cynically rip off people who bought into the 
original idea of TM "20 minutes twice a day" and now are being sucked dry for 
things like Ayurvoodoo, magical houses, chanting to the gods to receive their 
boons, and (the biggest bamboozle of all) being told that they will someday be 
able to fly. 

All of this stuff is Utter Nonsense. People accept it because they've been 
conditioned over the years to accept ANYTHING sold to them by Maharishi. 

So, it doesn't work that way. People are attracted to leaders, and those with 
full hearts. The ones that live in the dark world of criticizing everything, 
want others to look up to them, but they are consistently crawling around on 
the ground, making such a desire impossible.

 The other day I heard that the TMO was sued after someone had taken ayurvedic 
products while pregnant and their child was born with lead poisoning. Not only 
did the TMO hush it up, they still sell ayurveda as the ultimate system of 
health care. Talk about crawling around on the ground! Talk about a dark world!

That's why I call it Ayurvoodoo.

 My desire is always education and knowledge and breaking free of rigid 
unhelpful beliefs and thought patterns. To do that you have to challenge what 
you have been told, I can see you are a long way from that Doc. But to make it 
easier, think of your own children caged behind barbed wire in a foreign 
country chanting prayers for the "benefit" of others. 

Being paid $1.66 an hour to do so, while the TM movement charges thousands and 
tens of thousands of dollars for the "benefits" they're providing. 

Something you'd be proud of? Pleased with their life choice? Maybe you would, 
maybe you think it's the highest honour, but you're in the crowd swigging 
Kool-aid so you can't be said to be objective. 

 Breaking free of cults is hard and the TMO is brilliant at drawing you in with 
it's implausible rubbish. But we the newly free, will continue to try and help 
you open your eyes. Consider it a service.

And -- unlike the TM movement -- we're not even charging you for it...





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