See, Mike, it's a right-wing myth that people would rather be poor and do 
nothing, at least most people who would be getting the minimum income. The 
druggies, no doubt, but that's a relatively small proportion. 

 Yes Judy, I am adamantly against a minimum income  for that very reason. There 
is no way to know how it is going to be used or abused at the tax payers 
expense. Why would anyone try to make the effort to be a productive member of 
society and rise to their potential if the government will pay them to be poor 
and do nothing. Why work when you can be on paid vacation all the time.Combine 
that with drug use and any motivation to be better or have more just gets 
destroyed. If you're not happy with what you have, all you have to do is  smoke 
a joint and escape into your little*dream* world and further destroy any 
ambition and not worry about it because you're going to be taken care of. 
 On , Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
 To each, his own. At least the rich guy contributes to society by being 
productive and paying taxes and as long as his money is earned legally, as far 
as I'm concerned, he can do whatever he wishes with it. 
 On Friday, March 21, 2014 9:55 AM, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
   noozguru, I guess it's too much to ask that the govt. be reasonable and 
practical. BTW, aren't the prisons now big business too? Maybe I read that 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:29 PM, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
 The Swiss are going to pay out to each working age adult 2500 francs or almost 
$34K USD a year.  We could also start helping people understand why they want 
drugs in the first place rather than tossing them in prison which costs us a 
helluva lot more than $34K a year.
 On 03/20/2014 12:35 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone!
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu mailto:noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
 All the  more reason it is the time to implement the annual minimum income.  
Yup, the same idea that the "librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is 
doing it why not the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the 
freeway exits. 
 On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:

   Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and 
you *can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give 
a damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

mailto:noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yes,most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... 
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? Too embarrassed to give to a beggar? Fuck those rich fools.

mailto:mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 See? Even Bhairitu is against welfare, the rich supporting the poor. Now, it 
won't be a few rich hippies dictating what part of California secedes and joins 
up with whoever. It'll be Hispanics that decide if they join Mexico. Now here 
in Texas, we remember the Alamo!
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 9:17 AM, Bhairitu mailto:noozguru@... 
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   No, we Californians wantto secede and form a new country probably taking in 
Oregon and Washington.  Oh, SoCal can join Mexico though.  Why secede?  Because 
the Red States are getting more money back from the feds than Blue California 
and we pay in a lot.  And California has one of the largest economies in world.
 On 03/17/2014 07:23 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   And ... and .... and if the people of California want to secede and be part 
of Mexico again, what's wrong with that?
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 7:06 AM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote:
   Well, I'msure the people of Austria and the Sudetenland wanted to be annexed 
as well back in the 30's. No biggie there.

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