Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A.

A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle

Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

Just an idea. (-:

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..........again, and again, and again.........

but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In, <> wrote :

oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 


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