Sure, I understand.  I happen to be in the camp that thinks Fred had achieved a 
remarkable level of consciousnesses.  For me it is based on the transcripts of 
two interviews he gave.  Maybe going back, I might feel differently.  But I've 
read my share of books on, or about, supposed enlightened people.  Sometimes 
that quality really shines through. That was the feeling I was left with after 
reading the interviews. 

 His practice of different siddhis? No idea  But as you say, they were observed 
by many people.

---In, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

 Nope, I can't.  But, I believe that Mark L. and others had the early 
experiences they did with Fred. I am not weighing in on the how or why of it 
all.  Notice Steve, that I've left myself an enormous amount of wiggle room 
here using the phrase "altered perception."  Many things can create an 
experience of altered perception - hypnosis, drugs, meditation, etc.   
---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Emily, can you elaborate on how this typically works?

---In, <emilymaenot@...> wrote :

 Why Richard, you continue to obsess on Fred Lenz?  Why oh why oh 
why?  Rama had the ability to alter one's perception...well before the drugs 
took over.  He's not the only one who had/has this ability. Get over it.   
---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 3/25/2014 8:44 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

 I have no interest in "engaging" with you, Jim, for any reason whatsoever. 
You're a mental midget with psychological problems so severe that you feel the 
need to pretend that you're enlightened. What could there possibly be to talk 
 The only person here "dodging and weaving" and "hiding" is you. I think you're 
doing so because you don't want to reveal that your marriage is as rocky as 
your hold on sanity. >
 Speaking of "dodging and weaving", it looks to me like Barry doesn't want to 
talk about the Rama levitation event. Go figure.

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