>From her very first book, Bailey showed her faith in Leadbeater by 
>promulgating the teaching that the Second Coming of the Christ-Maitreya was 
>close at hand. Always written in a distinctly Christian tone, Bailey’s books 
>developed an increasing emphasis on this theme until by the time of her death 
>in 1949 she was writing about little else. She informed her readers that 
>Maitreya had made a definite decision at the Gemini Full Moon of 1945 to 
>reappear publicly on the world scene in person as soon as the necessary 
>preparations could be made.

He was apparently intending to fly in an aeroplane from his retreat in Asia and 
give mankind the new spiritual teaching it needs in order to bring about the 
civilisation and force of the New Age of Aquarius, although it was implied that 
he was not actually likely to do this until some time after the year 2025 and 
that until then it was the “immediate and pressing” task and duty of the Bailey 
followers to let the whole world know about it and to smooth the way for the 
auspicious event by daily reciting a type of prayer titled “The Great 

Although Bailey – who readily admitted of her own accord that she was a 
committed Christian – naturally preferred the name “Christ” to “Maitreya” and 
thus referred to him in many of her books solely as “Christ,” she nevertheless 
made it clear that she agreed entirely with Leadbeater about Christ and 
Maitreya being one and the same.

Over the last few decades numerous individuals have come and gone, all claiming 
to be Maitreya, just as many pretenders have come and gone throughout history 
claiming to be Jesus. At the same time, the Alice Bailey followers and other 
pseudo-Theosophists continue to spread their Leadbeater-esque teachings, whilst 
Alice Bailey enthusiast Benjamin Creme in London assures his large 
international following that the Christ-Maitreya has already returned and has 
been living secretly in London since 1977, waiting patiently (when not flying 
around in his “special starship”) for the day when he can at last reveal 
himself to the world. Meanwhile, hundreds if not thousands of channelling 
enthusiasts flood the internet daily with what they announce as being the 
“latest messages” – all contradicting each other – fresh from Maitreya, for 
whom each of them claims to be the chosen mouthpiece.

All this nonsense, this sheer fantasy and psychic delusion, goes directly back 
to C.W. Leadbeater, a man who has done more harm to the cause of modern 
spirituality than many have yet realised.


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