A progressive tax is NOT complicated. We've had it before. The purpose is to prevent the country from having oligarchs like we have now buying politicians through their corporations and lording influence over us. That's the fascist state we have now.

What flat tax rate are you proposing? Let's say for simplicity it was 10% which of course sounds good to a lot of people. However to someone who only earns $50,000 a year that's quite a hit. To someone earning $250,000 it isn't such a hit. See the problem?

Are you going to exempt people under a certain income?

On 04/06/2014 01:54 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/6/2014 11:54 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> There were progressive taxes during the Clinton era.
Sorry, I'm just not buying into the progressive taxation on earnings and
the federal agency to collect it. It's way too complicated. Too many
loopholes in the current tax system.

If you're going to have an income tax then everyone should just pay
their fair share of a flat tax - everyone be equal under the law. That
way, people will have more money to spend and pay the consumer tax on
purchases, or not. It's not complicated. Flat taxes offer simplicity in
the tax code, which has been reported to increase compliance and
decrease administration costs. A true flat rate tax is a system of
taxation where one tax rate is applied to all income with no exceptions.

The flat rate would be applied to all taxable income and profits without
exception or exemption. It could be argued that under such an
arrangement, no one is subject to a preferential or "unfair" tax
treatment. No industry receives special treatment, large households are
not advantaged at the expense of small ones, etc.

Moreover, the cost of tax filing for citizens and the cost of tax
administration for the government would be further reduced, as under a
true flat tax only businesses and the self-employed would need to
interact with the tax authorities. In general, the question of how to
eliminate deductions is fundamental to the flat tax design. That's what
I think.

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