On 4/6/2014 5:16 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> A progressive tax is NOT complicated.  We've had it before.  The 
> purpose is to prevent the country from having oligarchs like we have 
> now buying politicians through their corporations and lording 
> influence over us.  That's the fascist state we have now.
All sales taxes are flat tax.
> What flat tax rate are you proposing?  Let's say for simplicity it was 
> 10% which of course sounds good to a lot of people.  However to 
> someone who only earns $50,000 a year that's quite a hit.  To someone 
> earning $250,000 it isn't such a hit.  See the problem?
Flat tax systems are in place in several states in the U.S. California 
income tax rate is 10.55% on income over $1 million. If there was a 
federal flat tax on earnings, I would be willing to pay my fair share - 
1.0 % to the federal government - there is no tax on income in Texas, so 
it's not an issue for me in the next presidential election.

> Are you going to exempt people under a certain income?
Just for the record, I am opposed to all taxation on general principles. 
Go figure.

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