Ah, OK. I vaguely remember that. The index of research in collected papers 
volumes 1-xx is available online. You could see if it is there. I think both 
David Orme-Johnson's website and MUM have it. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 The study I had in mind (don't know if it was ever published, don't remember 
where I read about it, maybe in MSVS?) took the EEG of a meditator or Sidha at 
MIU while the big course at Amherst was going on. As I recall, the subject 
wasn't told when the Amherst folks were doing program, but his/her EEG showed 
distinct changes that appeared to be correlated.with when they began meditating 
and presumably additional changes when they began sutra practice. Or possibly 
it was just when they began the flying sutra. As I say, I can't remember the 
specifics. But it doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Thanks anyway. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 I believe that Fred Travis' PhD thesis involved field effect studies on the TM 
Sidhis. That might be the research you're thinking of. 

 The problem is that up until now, all TM EEG research is on many-second 
averages of EEG coherence, and Yogic Flying and any field effects that might be 
associated with it, has been on 40-second averages.

 Microstate analysis looks at 1/10 to 1/50 of a second EEG, and sythesizes a 
kind of electrical field graph for the entire brain for each time-slice they 

 Cool stuff, and has potential in all sorts of studies, like the EEG  of the 
brain as a PC episode  starts and ends, or even doing statistical analysis to 
see if short PC episodes increase in frequency in a nearby meditator when the 
hopping phase of Yogic Flying begins...




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 (I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought 
Bhairitu might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being 
generated, for him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an 
experience; you're welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any 
claims for it except that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra 
seems to generate might not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my 
friend's house) I had never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had 
no idea what my friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what 
point she would be using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely 
unexpected, I didn't know what might have been responsible, and it occurred to 
me what it likely was only in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That 
was how long I waited after she'd gone into the room and closed the door before 
I started to meditate. The "tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted 
only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?

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