From: salyavin808 <>

Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

As to Randi, I'll stand by what I said about the strength of his bias; and I'll 
just add that his professional integrity is, er, not of the highest.

He undoubtably thinks you're all mad but it's up to you to prove otherwise. He 
will organise an experiment and you have to agree that it's within your powers 
before he will go ahead with it.

This is what is called "pre-biasing the audience." I suspect that the very 
*definition* of Randi's supposed lack of integrity is the fact that he thinks 
people who believe this shit are all mad. 

It's up to *them* to prove they're not. They just can't, except to each other.

As for "all mad," I'm with Anartaxius on this -- it's becoming more and more 
difficult to read FFL. It's a madhouse, except for a few voices like Salyavin's 
and his. 

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