No one will ever get "enlightened" although they might get some kind of 

What is yours will always be yours - what is not yours will never be yours. If 
you have it, it will be given to you. If you don't have it, it will be taken 
away from you. Blah Blah.

So much for "lighten-mint"
 Shikantaza and Silent Illumination
 Lecture given by master Sheng-yen during the Dec. 1993 Ch’an retreat 

 The Japanese term “shikantaza” literally means “just sitting.” Its original 
Chinese name, ,mo-chao means “silent illumination.” “Silent” refers to not 
using any specific method of meditation and having no thoughts in your mind. 
“Illumination” means clarity. You are very clear about the state of your body 
and mind.
 When the method of silent illumination was taken to Japan it was changed 
somewhat. The name given to it, “just sitting”, means just paying attention to 
sitting or just keeping the physical posture of sitting, and this was the new 
emphasis. The word “silent” was removed from the name of the method and the 
understanding that the mind should be clear and have no thoughts was not 
emphasized. In silent illumination, “just sitting” is only the first step.

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