Well, at least it makes it easy to see why you regard anyone who disagrees with 
you a cult apologist. 

 It looks like the only reason you view this as an excellent essay is because 
it trashes something you don't like. Sort of like what Judy was discussing 
earlier.  There is no issue of fairness or unfairness.  No issue of whether 
there might be another side to it.  It trashes something you like to see 
trashed so therefore it is excellent, and anyone with a dissenting opinion is 
"afraid of the truth"

 Damn you've covered all the bases today Michael!

 but can you imagine if you were on the other side of something like this in 
real life?  then I suppose it would be a different story.  But on an internet 
forum, hey, no need to even attempt something approaching a balanced approach. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Egggg-cellent essay by a current MUM student - those who aren't afraid of the 
truth, click the link and read on! The photos are quite interesting.



 MUM Residential Irony http://mumosa.com/mum-stories/mum-residential-irony.html 
A student of Maharishi University of Management, I’m bothered by a few things 
associated with the school.

 View on mumosa.com http://mumosa.com/mum-stories/mum-residential-irony.html
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