Why not celebrate him for what he actually did: popularizing meditation in the west?

On 04/27/2014 12:27 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
Could be, who knows his influence in say a 1000 years when he has had a tremendous influence on millions of people in his lifetime. If you are fed up with subjective ""I think" opinions and if you want authorative insight into who's-who in the recorded history of mankind better seek out the "List of Initiates" made by the Master of Benjamin Crème. Seek advice from sources devoid of glamour and personal interest. I mean, who on earth is interested in knowing what for example Bhairitu "thinks" about a spiritual teacher ? If you are living such a pitiful existence you'll be better off reading the Bible for some comfort.

you can see posts from the close disciples of the greatest spiritual teacher to ever walk the earth, Maharishi Mahesha Yogi here...


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