TM strengthens the nervous-system and has proved to reduce mental problems and 
stress.  Meditators are healthier both physically and mentally than the average 
population. This is old news and validated by independent scientific research 
long ago. That some meditators commit unnecessary actions doesn't change 
anything, nor that MJ and the Turq hate these facts.

---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 This is the continuous loop you always resort to at times like these, but it 
is so full of wrong or skewed assumptions, that who really wants to rebut them 
over and over. 

 Like Ann recently said, (which was really nothing that was not quite evident), 
nobody seems to change any else's mind around here.  Well at least on core 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I think you are missing something. To me it is something that the Movement 
will obviously never address, since it would entail them admitting that TM is 
not all one needs in life and they would have to admit that there seemingly ARE 
"side effects" to long term practice to TM, especially when one is rounding. 

 I knew Mark Totten, purusha siddha who committed suicide by stepping in front 
of a moving train just off campus in Fairfield, there was a young woman siddha 
who killed herself there in FF last year. I was looking at the facebook page 
dedicated to her life and memory and say a post by a woman who went to MUM 
saying that a number of students had attempted over the years to have some sort 
of dialogue or support groups for those who were feeling depressed or that sort 
of thing and as she put it the Movement shut them down quickly each time. She 
also said that from talking to the TM adults she knows, this Movement behavior 
has been going on a long time.

 The issue to me is the fact that TM and TMSP plus all the other TM programs, 
nostrums and snake oil are touted as being 100% life supporting with NO 
negative side effect or negative effects of any kind. Yet people still get 
depressed and experience other "negative" emotions and there is no way for them 
to deal with it in the Movement except ignore it and get the meditation checked 
which is a joke. 


 If you talk as I have to people raised in the Movement, there is tremendous 
pressure from peers, older adults and official Movement people to not talk 
about such things, just keep your head down and praise MArshy and the Movement. 


 When you have long term TM'ers practice mental techniques that are SUPPOSED to 
make life perfect (if you believe the hype the TMO puts out) and people are 
committing suicide including one purusha man who set himself on fire in 
Marshy's basement in Vlodrop, then a serious look at the negative effects of 
long term TM needs to be looked at. 


 One man I spoke with whose siddha wife has twice attempted suicide said he 
could think of at least half a dozen suicides by long term TM'ers without even 
trying. This is a man raised in FF by parent TM'ers. 


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:57 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another suicide in FF


---In, <> wrote :


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <geezerfreak@...> wrote :


 Sheer-el Cohen. He was employed at the Raj. Apparently this happened yesterday.

 Now this is supremely sad. 

 It certainly is.Suicide is possibly the worst way to lose someone close to 
you, not only do you have to cope with the unexpected loss you can also have 
the guilty feelings that you didn't know it was coming and should have been 
able to stop it. But the reality is you can't.

 I am chilled by the language used in his plea for donations though. I expect 
this level of zeal from people who convert to the TM belief system when they 
are adults but to see that level of believerism in someone so young really 
disturbs me. 

 Any religious education disturbs me actually, I don't think we have the right 
to influence development in this way. Religion is like language, the first one 
you learn stays with you as part of you. Save it until you are grown up and 
wise enough to know better I say, childhood should be for exploration and 
learning how to judge things critically.

 But we don't know why he killed himself. It could have nothing to do with TM 
or his participation in it. Just because a tennis player kills themselves 
doesn't mean it was because they were disillusioned by tennis. There could be 
millions of other factors coming to play here. Or, am I missing something?



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