---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

This is one of the reasons I think all these states of consciousness outlined 
by Marshy the Huckster are just a bunch of blabber. By his definition, Unity is 
PERMANENT! One does not have it and then leave it. If it is our true nature, 
how could one fall out of it after realizing one's true self? I still think 
that all of our "states" of awareness are part of the whole experience of being 
human and you can experience any or all of it anytime. One goes in and out of a 
plethora of "states of consciousness." Its all there. 


 Some people like maybe Nisagardatta and folks like that seem to remain in that 
"state" of Unity for years sometimes from the time they say they "woke up" till 
they croak. But even that is suspect in my opinion since we mainly have their 
word for it, and the word of people who are wowed by them and need to believe 
their chosen guru has it all together.

 Personally I think all this states of consciousness stuff is just a hope and a 
way of feeling special. 


 I think it is likely that when we die we become 'enlightened'. Being 
physically dead either means you're totally gone or it means you've got an 
inside view to how it all works. I'm betting on the inside view - in the 
meantime I'll just enjoy this day, fill my five senses with as much sensation 
as I can and try and find a way to generate as much positivity and genuine 
feeling as I am able. I think one of the most useful things I got from hanging 
around the TM Movement is remembering the old chestnut, "Never do what you know 
to be wrong." 




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