In regards to the people of a nation electing those that best reflect 
themselves, look at the common denominator as being greed. Whoever promises the 
most goodies, whether it's*tax cuts* for the rich, *free* health care or an 
Obama phone, gets elected. Just find what the most people will accept in 
exchange for their vote, offer it and the office is yours, whether you can 
deliver or not because you *cared*. 

On Sunday, June 29, 2014 6:03 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

I'd vote for Biden, but none of the others. Having grown up very familiar with 
national politics, I have had to wean myself away from viewing these people as 
leaders - I would find it unbearable to promise everything to people, while 
giving them so little. Very low character and consciousness, in so many of 
these politicians. 

I recall the Movement line, about the leaders of a country being the innocent 
reflection of the people - and I have to wonder about that -- So much money and 
power is behind an election, so the choice of candidates is always limited to 
those few who are vetted by the wealthy and powerful. 

Acquiring wealth and power calls for a specific skill-set and interest, that is 
not necessarily reflective of the people in a country, as a whole. Wanting 
mega-wealth and power, is a desire to leverage one's needs, over an entire 
population - controlling others. Having the masses act according to the values 
of a few, is at the heart of it. 

So, can we honestly say that those who wish to control us, are simply each one 
of us, in such a position? I don't think so. Perhaps one of these days - but 
not yet, and certainly not here, in the US.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

On 06/28/2014 07:01 AM, 'Richard J.
Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>>On 6/28/2014 5:47 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>>We already had the cowardly lion (GWB - his initials
always remind me of that date-rape drug...), now the
tin man (Obama), and you want the scarecrow (Kerry),
next, for President?? At least Kerry believes,
 strongly, that he is an anointed member of our ruling
class, and the status quo is his most fervent
>>We don't have GWB as a presidential candidate - you are
probably thinking about Jeb Bush, GWB's brother. John Ellis
"Jeb" Bush served as the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999
to 2007. He is the second son of former President George H.
W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and is the
younger brother of former President George W. Bush.
>>Let's see, the Dems have a scarecrow lurch and and Joe
>>The Repugs have Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Chirs Christie, Ted
Cruz, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Rick Santorum,
Rick Perry and Rand Paul. LoL!
>And whose going to vote for those clowns?  People already feel burnt
from the Republicans by Bush and burnt from the Democrats by Obama
and they find the Tea Party a joke.  America is so finished.
>>>---In, mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
>>>That's a great idea.  We'll have to wait
and see how Kerry negotiates his way for peace
in Iraq.  If he succeeds, IMO most Americans
will understand that he is worthy to become
the prez in 2016.
>>>---In, mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
>>>Thanks, John, I could see a
Kerry/Warren ticket giving the
Republicans a run for their money.
>>>On Friday, June
27, 2014 3:45 PM, mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:
>>>Kerry has Jupiter
in the 10th house
which would be a
great help for
winning the
presidency.  But
he's running the
period of Mercury
which is placed in
the second house
right now.  There is
a very subtle
connection between
Mercury and Jupiter
in that both are
placed in the
nakshatra owned by
>>>We'll have to see
how he performs in
his negotiations
with the major
players in the
Middle East.  If he
can find a peaceful
solution to the
turmoil, IMO he's
definitely destined
to be a president.
>>>As you well know,
Jupiter is now
exalted in Cancer
which is placed in
the ninth house of
his jyotish chart.
 So, he is in a
great position to
>>>---In, mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
>>>John,here's Kerry's
birth info:
December 11,
1943 in
Aurora, CO.
How does it
look for him
in 2016?
>>>On Friday,
June 27, 2014
12:00 AM, mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife] 
>>>IMO,he can if he
succeeds in
for peace in
Iraq and
ISIS in the
process.  It's
a tall order.
 But we'll
find out in
the next few
weeks how the
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