Thanks for that. Bad etymological resources on my end, obviously. 

 Even so, the connection between desert people who lived in the area where the 
people of Israel came from, and, well, the people of Israel shouldn't be that 
big a surprise.

 I tell people that many palestinians are probably more Jewish genetically than 
the Europeans who resettled the area. Some jews get very huffy and some just 
laugh and say "duh."



---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 8/5/2014 7:19 PM, LEnglish5@... mailto:LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Huh. "Arab" comes from Abraham, and Arabs and Jews are both considered 
Semitic peoples.

 "In Biblical etymology, "Arab" comes both from the desert origin of the 
Bedouins it originally described (Arava means wilderness) and/or from the 
concept of mixed people."

 In fact, some Bedouins believe that they are descended from Jews living in the 
region who converted to Islam:

 Bedouin Sheikh: My People are of Jewish Descent 
 Bedouin Sheikh: My People are of Jewish Descent Israel Bedouin Sheikh Salem 
al-Huzeil believes that he and many others like him are of Jewish descent.

 View on www.israelna... 
 Preview by Yahoo 





<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/5/2014 2:50 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The Israelis refer to the Palestinians as "sand niggers". They have also 
deliberately targeted schools and mosques, to kill not only the people, but 
also destroy their culture, a tactic favored by the Nazis as well.

 It is a fact that the Arabs in Gaza are descendents of Bedouin sand dune 
people who persecuted the Jews for centuries. Why do you think Jews lived all 
over the planet instead of in Judah? The Israelis have the coordinates of every 
building and house in Gaza so do you think they'd risk bad press by targeting 
children in a school? It is a well-known fact that the Hamas are using human 
shields You do realize that you're siding with what the U.N. has classified as 
a terrorist organization affiliated with Hezbollah, right?
 These words and actions tell me that they are as committed to genocide, as 
Hitler was, though not nearly as successful. Israel has a massive public 
relations campaign to make them look like the good guys, and it looks as if you 
are drinking the kool-aid.

 Every U.S. President since 1947 has supported the United Nations' creation of 
the state of Israel.
 "Yes, the terrorists want to destroy Israel and are willing to kill their own 
people to do so."
 National Journal:
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/5/2014 12:46 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Israel has become too much like Nazi Germany, for my liking. One Nazi 
killed, always meant 50 civilians slaughtered. Same ratio with the Israelis vs. 
the Palestinians. Sieg Heil, Israel.

 We should probably save the term "Nazi" for our real enemies, because it loses 
it's punch when you realize that the Nazis wanted to erase off the face of the 
earth all the Jews, just like the Hamas want to do, but the Israelis just want 
to stop all the rocket attacks, not to kill all Arabs. 
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/5/2014 9:53 AM, feste37 wrote:

   I think they should try it. Nothing else is working. It's just the usual, 
endless round of violence. The TM group wouldn't have to go into the most 
dangerous areas. Just being close would probably do it. 

 It's already working - almost everything that's good that is happening in the 
world is because of the ME. It's just obvious. The Hamas are fighting a proxy 
war, so all we have to do is influence their supporters. According to what I've 
read, there are only a few members of the Arab League that continue to support 
the militant faction in Gaza. The militants in Gaza made the wrong choice by 
voting for violence and now they will have to pay. It's not about territory or 
freedom or human rights - it's all about staying in power and control.
 The Israelis should secure all the Gaza borders and put checkpoints so there 
will be no more rockets or cement smuggled into Gaza. Then, all the Israelis 
have to do is search out and destroy all the tunnels and the rocket cache and 
arrest and put in prison all the Hamas leaders, so that economic aid can be 
supplied to the citizens of Gaza so they can grow and prosper. Without the 
militants in charge, Gaza could become the Singapore of the
 Mediterranean. It's not complicated.
<mjackson74@...> mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Thank you Nabby for posting this bold article.
 Here is the comment I posted on the site - let's see if they have the balls to 
allow it to be posted:
 As a former practitioner of transcendental meditation, I know that you are a 
shill for the TM Movement. You are also not giving full information in your 
article. IDT refers to the TM Sidhi program, the one that purports to enable 
people to levitate. In no way shape or form is this nonsense scientifically 
 But let's give you the benefit of the doubt - you want to prove this voodoo 
technology works then I challenge you to personally lead a group into the most 
dangerous and violent sections of Israel and the Gaza strip.
 Let the TM Movement pay every penny of the expense in supporting such a group 
rather than begging the rest of the world to financially support you (which is 
your actual intent in suggesting such a group) and see how long you last. I do 
suggest you make sure to give the Israeli authorities the names of your next of 
kin, I expect they will need them. 

 From: nablusoss1008 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, August 5, 2014 9:30 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] For The Turq and his Superiors
   An Outsider's View of How to Calm Middle East-Gaza Tension






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