Thanks - Yes, I just read it, and enjoyed it. It probably sounds a bit crazy, 
but I doubt my life would be any different, in a Sat Yuga. I cannot think of a 
single thing I would want differently, from right now, except the next moment. 
It is a strange experience to both be completely and utterly satisfied in the 
moment, and yet, perhaps out of habit, desires continue also, with *both* 
realities equally valid; the portable Sat Yuga - comes in dawning yellow, 
resolute blue, or lovely red - lol. ---In, 
<> wrote : It's beautiful. Your presence here is 
priceless, pure gold. Did you happen to see the post about Maharishi's 
Aparushea Bashya posted earlier today ? As it happenned I was present that 
morning when he came to the lecture-hall and presented what he had cognized 
during Brahma Muhurthi that very morning. Pure gold. Do read it if convienient.
 ---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote : 
...just when you think you've got it all figured ---In, <> wrote : "Nothing he 
ever did, hurt me, but I wasn't always so appreciative of his teaching 
continuously making me responsible for my own reality. :-) "

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