Nice Share Edg. 
 But what's with all the "sue me" stuff.

 Do you think anyone is going to take issue with your personal experiences, or 
your personal opinions?

 Plus, I always figured you for the "I'm not the one who gets sued,  I'M THE 
ONE WHO DOES THE SUING, type thing. (-: 

---In, <> wrote :

 How did I respond to the TM posters announcing the siddhi program?   I 
cringed.  By the time they came out, yeah, hey, I'd had some nice "spiritual" 
experiences, I was making book at the Napa center wherein THREE PERCENT of the 
folks were initiated in a couple years flat.  Yeah, the earthquake Napa.  
Population 50,000 back then. 


 And then that poster came out.

 At first, I was indoctrinated enough by the "six monthers" who came to the 
Berkeley center and SAID THEY SAW PEOPLE FLYING.  They said stuff like:  "This 
is the course we've all been waiting for. This is the course to take you to 
enlightenment."  Etc.  And I believed.  Yes, I fucking did.

So when the poster came out before I got the siddhis myself, ya'd athunk that 
Mr. True Believer here would be buzzed to do that Trotakacharya trip.  But it 
was a bitch going around putting posters up, even though I was slurping the 
Kool-Anand-Ade...mostly.  (The gig was paying me enough to run the center and 
eat at Baskin Robbins three times a week, ya know?   It was a dream job for a 
hippy in VAST DENIAL.  Ha!)

But, let's put the whole confessional on the barrel top:  after eight months 
rounding in Europe, after 1500 initiations, I was hesitant to even put up the 
posters that merely had Maharishi's 3x4 inch photo at the top -- up until 
"then" we had these other photoless posters.  The Merv era being what a boon it 
was, yet still I was shuddering to represent the selling of the siddhis.  It 
was a challenge to me even though I'd had good experiences, was sold out, was 
hauling in 50 pounds of puja fruit a week, and yet still I knew what I was up 
against as I asked each shopkeeper for permission to put up the poster.  Got 
about 70% "no" and it just totally sucked.  

See?  I still didn't want to be a ninny to these strangers, these shopkeepers, 
these spiritual NOBODYS, heh, but there I was:  I needed them to help me spread 
a religion, so I was miserable postering the town.  

 Sue me.  

And note that after all my great TM shit, I still had not had any magical 
psychological transformation into a saintly presence, and there I was pretty 
much being a shuck and jiver in my own eyes -- at the least for presenting 
myself as a teacher of any "ken" when there I was stuck in the relative yet 
still.  Very stuck.  And I had to have about three dozen serious whacks by REAL 
LIFE to finally stop meditating.  Stop all of it, except reading books about 
Advaita very very very slowly with a lot of thoughts processing it all.

You?  I don't know what almost any of ye are doing?  Out of the closet you 
buggers....see me above?  What a hide-from-reality twit I's not that 
painful to admit now after decades, so yeah, I'm getting off easier than some 
of ya who might have been a whole lot more dedicated to evolution from the 
get-go and thus: you've hard wired you nervous system to produce "correct 

But OUT!  Out!


And as long as I'm riffing:

Ya know, I think it's a fucking shame that we don't give two shits about Judy 
who may be dead in her apartment somewhere, but we don't -- after a decade -- 
know her phone number.  This is the TMO -- taught us to suspect everyone as 
non-enlightened and unworthy -- to avoid intimacy --  while elevating Fat Fuck, 
Egg-head Fuck and Raja Fucks on golden pedestals.  


Edward Fucking William (aka Edg) Duveyoung -- come at you TMO fuckers -- take 
me on for slander -- I'm in the phone book and y'all is insane.



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