I  may have more to say later, but.............. 
 To write like Edg, on the surface at least, you must incorporate such words as 
"suchlike", and "dontchaknow" in nearly every posting.

 Also, you will never catch up to him, on the erotic writing end of things.

 We haven't seen that in a while, but really, I thought he excelled at it.

 But then again, he seemed to be writing from his own experience.

 But on a deeper level, and you know I like you Michael, but I just don't know 
if you're up to that caliber of writing....................... yet.

 That said, I think Edg's writing was a little more coherent last time round.

 I'm having a little harder time following it now.

 But also, methinks there is a bit of blind spot in your comparison.

 Edg is not caught in the quicksand of what he feels was the bamboozlement of 
his time in the TM.

 Either that, or he is able to express in a few brief posts what you attempt to 
do, or maybe repeat yourself, in fifty or sixty posts.  

 Does that mean he is better by a factor of 50 to 1.  No sir, it does not.  
But, his well seems to run deeper, somehow.

 He put time in, that you have not been able to do Michael, and I think it 

 And, he's moved forward, on a lot of different fronts, or so it seems.

 Know what I mean?


 Still a loyal fan of yours in St. Louie.  (-: 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 I see no difference between me and Edg except he was a teacher and I wasn't. 
We both have the same basic attitude toward the Movement and liar Marshy, the 
Old Goat.

 I think you are fraid of offending him cuz he lives closer to you and you 
don't want to see someone on a Trikke zooming up behind you.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 12:00 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were
   Give me some time to respond MIchael.
 Look, I can't help it if Edg carries a lot of credibility with me.

 I mean, I like you too, but I relate to Edg's perspective.

 He'd didn't go full retard.  

 You do not, I repeat do not, want to go full retard.

 You have gone full retard.

 Maybe that's the difference. (-: 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Cmon Stevie! Man up! Duv is claiming the TMO is being run by rakshasas! Plus 
he mentioned suicides, that's one that most of you TM junkies squall the 
loudest about.


 If I said that you'd be all over it - whus wrong? 

 Some reverence for Edg cuz he was a TM TEACHER??? Think the Divine Marshy Vibe 
still exists there?


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 10:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were
   You might want to Fedex some boxes of kleenex to Michael.  
 I think he's going to need them.

 Otherwise it's going to be one hell of a sticky mess. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


 "Sue me" stuff is just me being puffed up and putting a chip on my shoulder 
for writerly effects donchaknow.But, hey, if I can get the TMO to sue me, whoa 
boy, what funzies that would be.   Can you imagine the folks who would come out 
of the woodwork with their testimonies?  It would be heaven sorting through all 
the shit! 

 Think:  the MIU murder, the suicides, the badges pulled, the money 
laundered/smuggled, the personal expenses of the uppity-ups, the lawsuits, the 
women complainers, the hush-up money paid, the bribes,  those rejected for 
training, those whose whole lives came to naught and cost them EVERYTHING, etc.

But face it, folks, unless there's millions of bucks worth of lawyers smashing 
at their doors, Girish and Co. have ZERO worries about anything anyone might 
say about them.  They know how to lie and HOW TO MAKE FAMOUS PEOPLE LIE FOR 

Maybe a class action suit would chisel the smirks off the TMO Ozymandias 
statues and help quicken their eventual karma of being two trunkless legs of 
stone in a lost desert.  

If we won the suit, heh, I wonder how much we get back -- probably a penny on 
the dollar, but oh, the psychological worth of such a victory to almost all of 
us.    Not that seeing the TM technique besmirched in the public eye would be 
good, but that at least the present set of hoodlums would be outed for the 
scammers they are, and no longer would "a decent enough meditation technique" 
be represented by such immoral, fuck it I'll say it, DEMONIC ENTITIES.

Not that I believe in demons all that much, but if there are such, some of them 
are possessing the TMO right now.  





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