
Just like you and me are like two peas in a pod, this Knowledge is like 
different peas in a pod. Very close together and similar ("like 2 peas in a 

I recently got in on a start-up Yahoo Group (a good one, this time) and have 
been conversing with very interesting points of view. Perspectives of MacLaren, 
Oespinsky et al. Now we're collaborating on a Thesis. (It is taking me away 
from my BG Commentary, but that's 40+ years in-the-making).

Nice to mix.

Like a Mixer

not the drink mixer,s I mean the Drinks Mixer.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 Dan, beautiful points and I agree 100%. 

 On Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:02 AM, danfriedman2002 
<> wrote:

   Thank you for sharing your path.

Funnily, many years ago I gave away my copy of Autobiography, wanting to ensure 
I was on the program. But what is the program? It is what you are doing. There 
is nothing more important than life.


P.S. Now I read, discuss and gain from Everything. Currently, I helping write, 
and writing stuff that fairfieldlifers would find 'off-the-world'. That's ok 



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