On 9/2/2014 8:38 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

lol - How many times has our nescafe writer informed us he is soon to depart, if things don't improve to his standards? Such a dick thing to say. Either stay, or leave. No one cares which, or why. I've been on here almost ten years, and "the writer" hasn't ever left for more than a few days. From my observation, he loves to battle himself in public. Maybe when he was a kid, he saw that old Superman comic where Supe plays tennis with himself, and it made a deep, yet flawed impression.

He lost his target audience, so it's weird that he is still around, working feverishly on his filtering project. He seems like a good candidate for that new mobile phone app - the one where you watch on your phone others play video games. He says he doesn't read our messages but he always seems to pipe up when his name is mentioned.

Maybe he doesn't realize that we've got him pegged - stuck over there with not much income, no vehicle of his own, and no way out of town except to ride the bus; longing for the States, with nobody to talk to; just watching American movies on his laptop, alone up in his bedroom.

I could be wrong, but that's what I used to do living three years in Great Britain and two years in Japan as a military brat. Oh, I forgot - I went to the base Teen Club a few times and rode my bicycle past some Teddy Boys once when I was on the way to the local hobby shop to get a new model plane or car.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

Yikes!  I think Barry may have already entered this stage.

You know, the theme, "if this place doesn't turn around,I'm otta here" (-:

*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

LOL, slim pickings for you then. I'm just hoping I develop dementia so I don't realise I'm saying the same thing over and over again. Go figure....

The remaining list is somewhat manageable, and occasionally contains something worth reading. Even more rarely, there is actually something worth replying to -- but at most 1 or 2 a day. That's not a very good "track record" for a forum, so I doubt I'll stick around if this is how things are going to continue to be. At this point I'm not quite sure which is more dismaying -- the outright insanity of people like Richard, or the shocking True Believerism from people like Share and Nabby and JR and Lawson. Both make me feel as if I'd accidentally dropped into a world in which reason is not only not the norm, but has never been heard of. :-)

I like this aspect of it, it reminds me of a fun time in my life when I was surrounded by people who had abandoned critical thinking for someone else's daydreams and wild promises. Good fun for a while but unsustainable for me.

Dan Friedman tried to do exactly the same thing, but fortunately everyone just ignored him, so he seems to have lost interest and gone away. Good riddance. It's clear, however, that Willytex is too insane to do this, and will keep up this endless spamming forever, even if no one ever responds to him. Isn't there *something* you can do to get him to cut back on it?

Spam is the word, it would be OK - ish if he made sense or if his links were relevant to what is being discussed, but they aren't. He is clearly a troll trying to ruin the place for his own amusement. As he happily admits.

Bhairitu is right, adults don't need post limits.... so maybe we should petition yahoo for an auto post limit feature that cuts you out if you do more than 50 a week if we aren't mature enough to retain self control.

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