On 9/2/2014 8:13 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Have you ever considered paragraph breaks?

It's not like he was a newbie, Steve, but maybe he is on something he got over in Amsterdam.

They are a pretty nifty device.
Only a nerd would post a message about using technical software /without using paragraph breaks/. And, without explaining how filters work using Yahoo! Neo. And, when the topic isn't even about filtering. Go figure.

But, who knows, maybe you write only for your clarification.
That's probably true for just about everyone who posts here - this is supposed to fun. But, really some people do feel better when they have someone to talk to.

Can we hear next about your sock drawer. (-:
Non sequitur. It has not been established that Barry wears socks or even owns a chest of drawers. Maybe he just uses a shoe for the single pair of socks.

Some batchlors actually just leave their sock on the floor at night, especially those that don't sleep in a bed. That way, all you have to do is reach out and grab without even standing up. It worked for me.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

I have been spending my time fiddling with the Yahoo e-mail sort rules. Previously I have only posted directly into FFL. I have not quite got it right yet, but I have got the FFL individual e-mails sorting into three separate folders FFL-fluff; FFL-maybe; and FFL-read. I have just not quite figured out how the API interprets the filters command 'SENDER contains...' As soon as I get it right, assuming it works, I will resume posting, having filtered out most of the crap e-mails. Already all of Richard's e-mails are going into the FFL-fluff folder and not appearing in the main In-box or the read folder! If a new poster shows up, it will appear in the main In-box. This seemed better to me than trying to just block certain posters, just in case something interesting shows up. It just takes time to set up all the individual sort rules. Now that I have Richard's posts out of the way, I can work on the other insubstantial posters. I would vote to have Richard removed from FFL. With the old system of 50 posts a week, Alex had to deal with over posting every week. I suppose he would mind if he had to do that, say, every three months. That is, remove someone for posting excessively for a period of a quarter of a year, or maybe longer. That would not take too much extra effort.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*From:* "j_alexander_stanley@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> If she who shall not be named wants to be anonymous, she should not post here with a subscription tied to her real name. As much as I like said person, her demands for anonymity under a non-anonymous identity are silly and unreasonable.

While I agree with this, when are the moderators of Fairfield Life going to do something about the troll who is attempting to destroy it, as he destroyed a.m.t. a few years earlier, by spamming it with endless crap. Richard Williams has made almost 350 posts in a little over a week, and no one stands up to him and demands that he stop.

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