Re "If something like that started to happen around here, I guarantee the 
parents of the girls would have taken matters into their own hands ": 

 What parents? A lot of these Rotherham girls were picked up (brazenly) from 
care homes and many of the other girls came from broken  homes or had absent 

 And re the suggestion that top officials were paid off: maybe that wasn't 
necessary as some of these top officials may have been offenders themselves. 

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Seems to me that the only way this could have happened is the Pakistani gangs 
were paying some of the top officials to look the other way. 

 No, they wouldn't need to do that. It's more a case of people not believing 
the girls (or not wanting to) or them not even telling anyone. More are coming 
forward all the time now they know they'll get a sympathetic hearing from the 
police, which wasn't always the case with sexual abuse cases.

 But if it ever comes to light that anyone did take a bribe....

 Not much else makes sense. If something like that started to happen around 
here, I guarantee the parents of the girls would have taken matters into their 
own hands - of course there are fewer restrictions on gun ownership here so....


 Another reason to be thankful for our gun laws, we'd have had many a bloodbath 
on the streets.

 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Terrorist Advisory


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 you do have problems over there in Scorpionland - hundreds of English girls 
raped on a daily basis by Pakistanis and the cops are afraid to do anything 
about it cause they don't want to be perceived as racist?


 Hopefully that's all over but probably not. It wasn't just the cops it was the 
local councils and apparently even the government knew. Whether everyone knew 
the whole story is unknown as yet but racist allegations have always been a can 
of worms here.

 You can't win, if you accuse a community of something like this they get 
offended and the fragile multicultural cohesion can break. If, as is happening 
now, you do nothing you get accused of racism because they all feel so insulted 
that we assumed they'd put racial consideration over children's safety!

 The stories are shocking though, one guy was trying to get his 13 year old 
daughter out of a house where she was being abused by a gang and the police 
arrested him! And then refused to investigate.

 One day we'll work this shit out but its too late for a lot of young women. 
But is it the culture the Asians grew up in that is to blame? This is the real 
thorny issue, they grow up in England where the sexual liberation thing 
happened years ago and you can't get away from it in the media, but they also 
grow up in a very "men are best but women can't be touched" attitude. Their 
little Asian sisters are very well protected and can't go out without a 
chaperone in a lot of places. So do the guys prey instead on young white girls? 
It seems obvious that that is what's happening but the media can't bring 
themselves to speculate about it and claim that there are other white gangs 
that also prey on the vulnerable and that anyone who focuses on the Asian gangs 
is racist! No evidence about them seems to make it through to the papers 


 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2014 2:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Terrorist Advisory


---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 The security forces should be on alert now.  If not, they're failing in their 

 If they're reading their horoscopes they will be highly alert I should think.

 But we don't need soothsayers over here to know that we are in immanent 
danger. We've got maybe 600 of our own residents in ISIS learning the tricks of 
the terror trade, the two beheadings of American journalists (one today if 
you've not seen the news) were carried out by a Brit. He won't be very popular 
when he gets home!

 The government are trying to change the law so they can't come back but you 
can't just do that, we've lost enough of our rights since 9/11 and all new laws 
have ended up being used against the general public by our over-enthusiastic 

 I think the biggest threat comes from Muslims living here, there are so many 
mosques where the disenfranchised can get radicalised by some visiting nutjob 
mullah. I fear it's only a matter of time before another strike in London. 
Probably on the tube network again. You get the maximum terror affect 

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

 But John, Mars goes into its own sign on Thursday. Won't that mitigate?

 Damn, I already forwarded it to the president. Back to defcon 2

 BTW, I think FFL birthday is Sept 5or 6, same year as 9/11.

 On Tuesday, September 2, 2014 12:31 PM, "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:

   Given the ISIS violence that is occurring in Iraq and Syria, Americans 
should be on alert for possible terrorist activity in the country this coming 
September 11, 2014, which is the same calendar day of the attacks in New York 
13 years ago.

 Astrologically,  the reasons for concern are as follows: 

 1.  Jupiter is now closely transiting the natal position of Rahu at 16 
degrees, 51 minutes in Cancer.

 2.  Rahu is now closely transiting the natal position of Saturn at 24 degrees, 
4 minutes in Virgo.

 3.  Mars and Saturn are still in close conjunction in Libra.

 The possible location of attack is the Capitol in Washington DC.  At that 
time, the Moon will be transiting at one degree Aries, in the nakshatra owned 
by Ketu, the significator for a holy place.





  • Re: [FairfieldL... salyavin808
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    • Re: [Fairf... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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      • Re: [F... salyavin808
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        • Re... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re... Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
        • Re... 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re... salyavin808

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