One group or the other will be kicking up Bob's a dying for sure - we'll just 
have to see which one in a week or so.

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

I mainly wrote the post to poke Buck et al.

Now, if one were to believe in the occult power of TMSP in groups, the 
proverbial Marshy Effect, would one believe the YF groups in the UK would 
affect the outcome of the vote which way, yea or nay?

They would indeed claim that, but the trouble is no one knows which side is the 
actual "correct" one that "nature" might support.

Maybe they'll claim it was the ME from all the new meditators if it all works 
out well. But if the whole island goes tits-up they'll have to come up with a 
reason why it didn't work. Again.

But the, Marshy was a nationalist and wanted all countries to stick together 
and be ruled by their indigenous people as they will be closest to the "natural 
laws" of the country. So any remaining picts will be the natural leaders of 
Scotland, painted blue of course.

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

I love all the Scorpions but I am especially fond of the Scots and hope they 
all vote a resounding "Yes!" and immediately outlaw the practice of TMSP and 
make it illegal to advertise TM in any way, shape or form. 

LOL, you really don't like it do you! Here's the news, TM is very popular in 
Glasgow and the teacher there makes a good living from it. Edinburgh TM are 
doing well and are building a vastu centre. There is already one of those in 
Aberdeen (I think) which is my ancestral home.

I love Scotland too but I hope they vote "No" because the chaos for both 
countries will be amazing and we'd be stuck with the Tory scum forever. They 
want a decent welfare state but there's only 4 million people there which won't 
raise enough taxes to pay for it without the massive bonus they've been getting 
from the English tax payer, and without the pound they will be in trouble as 
the Eurozone looks pretty much finished as usual and are unlikely to want 
another broke country to bail out.

If I lived there I would probably vote "Yes" though, just to not be ruled by 
from 700 miles away by the shower of bastards we've got at the moment.

This profound wisdom and practical move will of course be followed by Ireland 
and Wales after they declare independence from the Isle of Edward Longshanks 
and of course David Lynch will be prevented from ever coming to any of the 
three new countries. If he
in he will be arrested and incarcerated. 

Any and all TM owned properties will be nationalized, sold and the the proceeds 
given to citizens who paid various amounts of money to learn TM, TMSP, go on 
courses and so on. When this happens and the word goes out, let's see how many 
of the TM faithful will remain faithful and how many want to put in a claim and 
get that fat purse.

All written with the knowledge of how much Buck and his frens on FFL will love 
the post.

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Important Question for Sal


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Alright Sal, we all know that in a few days the Scots will vote on whether or 
not to form their own country. 

Now forget all the nonsense about whether the country will prosper by

The real question is: if the Scots create an independent country, will they no 
longer be considered Scorpions? 

As part of the UK were they originally considered Scorpions?

Good question, I would say that us English were the scorpions because we 
probably took over Scotland and the other two and they've never really been 
happy about it.

Feel free to like them but continue to dislike me if they vote yes.

Or was Scorpionland just England proper, excluding Ireland, Scotland and Wales 
not to mention the Islands, or was it all just one big land of Scorpions?

Mind you, the SAS will
be nothing without the Scots, and it there was a lot of Welsh archers  
inflicting so much damage at Agincourt, so maybe you'd better keep hating all 
of us just in case...

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