On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 1:51 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com
[FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> *From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :
> Richard, I'm really glad I practice TM. Mindfulness seems like a heck of a
> lot of work, tracking the rising and continuing of thoughts!
> Hardly.
> The simple fact is there are many different types of mindfulness, some are
> easier than others but none are difficult. You just have to find one that
> suits you, I do several types and some are even easier than TM because you
> don't even need to say a mantra. I have two favourites out of the ten in my
> book, they have known psychological advantages and are pleasant to do as
> well, leaving me refreshed and clear. TM, it has to be said, can often
> leave you feeling crap and with all the resting and unstressing seems like
> a lot of work sometimes but I still do it because I like the overall effect.
> There's been a lot of crap spoken today about a popular, well tested and
> useful form of meditation but not by anyone that has actually tried it. Go
> figure.
> Isn't that fascinating? They're willing to say seemingly definitive things
> about a practice they have never learned, and in fact never even considered
> learning.
Anyone can learn mindfulness from reading a book, Barrry. It's not


> But it's not so strange when you realize that Maharishi made a career out
> of doing exactly the same thing. He had ZERO experience with any of the
> "competing" techniques he brushed aside and described in a derogatory
> fashion. He didn't know *diddleysquat* about any of them, which became
> apparent whenever someone would actually call him on one of his putdowns
> and get in his face with real facts. In those situations Maharishi would
> back down and drop the subject, but then he'd be back spouting the same
> ignorant bullshit the next day.
> Clearly many of his students learned well from his example...spout
> ignorance often enough and loudly enough and the weakest minds in the group
> you're speaking to will not only believe it, they'll repeat it to others as
> if it were the Highest Truth.

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