---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :


 Excellent reply Dan.  The drone goes on forever seemingly.
 On 9/27/2014 8:41 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
 I can attest to the "forever". My question is: Why is bawee so defensive and 
so intolerant of other's viewpoints? This is a person who just can't stomach 
the idea that others think differently than him and when they do (which is 
very, very often) he attacks them personally and viciously. I have never met 
anyone like him. I wonder if he realizes what he does and how it makes him 
look. And there are a couple of people here who actually support him in this. 
Astounding. I mean, what do they think he's saying most of the time that is 
even remotely true or interesting or without deep, distorted prejudice? Perhaps 
they just feel pity for him, just like bawee professes to pity all those who 
chose to live their lives differently than he does.
 Maybe he has a lonely inner-child inside himself, who sometimes lashes out 
with rage against an authority figure. Maybe he criticizes other informants so 
as to avoid the cognitive dissonance of his own past. Maybe that's his way of 
facing his own karma and the part he played in promoting the Woo Woo; a way to  
compensate for his failure to become a great spiritual teacher. 
 So does this mean we should pity him or simply resign ourselves to the fact 
that something good is happening? 
 I need a definite on the Pity Determination if I am to keep an Official, 
Objective, and Verifiable Pity List. Either he deserves our pity or scorn. 
Please inform.

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