The real psychological study should be of the "9-11 Deniers", those who just go with the official story in spite of the questions surrounding 9-11. Or as Jesse Ventura said yesterday, "if Truthers are bad then Liars must be good." :-D

On 09/30/2014 05:43 PM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Bhairitu, you know what I say about being paranoid? Sometimes there are good reasons to be (-:

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014 10:53 AM, "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

On 09/30/2014 06:19 AM, <> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

--- <noozguru@...> <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

        Maybe it's not fair of me because I'm one up on you.  You
        see, my late brother was a Vietnam War era defense
        contractor. I've seen how the thing works from the inside.

        --- <salyavin808@...> <mailto:salyavin808@...> wrote :

        What, you saw them organise mass slaughter of innocent
        civilians in their own country? And then terminate the witnesses

        I think you should tell all.

        --- <noozguru@...> <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

        I'm met CIA agents.  Your Ministry of Defense likes to keep
        you in the dark by feeding you a lot of propaganda. 9-11 was
        undoubtedly one of the biggest crimes in history. But the
        folks in the peanut gallery get their history from Popular
        Mechanics.  Go figger.

        Yes, it was all planned to make the buildings fall like that,
        they went to the time and trouble of organising a bunch of
        foreign nationals with known links to terror groups, taught
        them to fly planes and let them hi-jack four and fly them
        into buildings which were also rigged to collapse like a pack
        of cards - even the one that wasn't hit because it had a few
        embarrassing secrets in it. They of course used nuclear
        weapons without anyone noticing.

        And all this to start a war with someone they were already
        bombing every day and they couldn't even fake a document to
        get them off the hook when it turned out he didn't have the
        weapons they sold him any more.

        They then terminated the people who organised it and are now
        happy that the plan failed and they've got to re-invade Iraq
        at great expense to get rid of the people they didn't
terminate in the war they destroyed the WTC to provoke.
        It all makes sense now.After you with the peanuts.

        Is there anything called intellectual schizophrenia? Barry2
        always talks like this.

        Barry2's spiritual philosophy is quite sane.

        Perhaps it's just the same paranoia the right wingers have,
        but manifested in a different form.

So "intellectual curiosity" is now a mental disease? I think what we really have is a vast amount the public who behave like "scared rabbits" whenever someone suggests there might be more to an event than meets the eye. I guess most people here don't like a good mystery. :-D

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