Hello ! First I would like to congratulate you for you success in bringing 
meditation meditation to schools in San Francisco, effects of which are just 
beginning to be seen. While appreciating your thorough response you should be 
aware that many posters here deliberately post negativity to try to damage the 
global initiatives to raise collective consciousness. They are not to be taken 
seriously and do not deserve a response.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <infocwae@...> wrote :

 I am the Director of Operations for the school meditation project in San 
Francisco that uses TM, where the students were found to be the happiest in the 
city. I would like to try and correct some misunderstandings that may have 
occurred as a result of certain comments made here recently. 

  1. There is a post that suggest we 'stole' couches from a one of the high 
schools we worked in. 

 This is incorrect. We purchase used couches from outside sources, specifically 
for the Quiet Time program. We own them.
 2. That the windows and doors in the rooms we used at a high school were 
papered over so that no one could see in, and that the school had to remove the 
papering after we left.
 A single door to a small room was partially papered only during training 
sessions to reduce the distraction from other students walking by during 
passing period. This paper was taken down each day, and was not remaining after 
the meditation training staff left the school.
 3. That we had been kicked out of at least 2 schools in SF since Jan of this 
 One school decided to discontinue the Quiet Time program at the end of the 
spring semester due primarily to a vote from faculty regarding time 
constraints. There are many schools throughout CA and nationally requesting the 
program, so we only work with those that are able to fit it into their 
schedule. After providing this to 7,000 students, teachers, parents and 
administrators for the last 7 years, we have had over a 90% program 
satisfaction rating. An extremely small minority of parents, teachers and 
administrators have had issues with the program, usually because of biases or 
 4. That most of the research referenced by the TM organization is "either 
bogus or deeply flawed"
 There are over 100 studies on TM published in reputable, peer reviewed 
scientific journals indicating various positive mental and physical health 
effects. Research has been done at Stanford, Harvard, University of California 
and other reputable institutions. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has 
funded over 24M worth of research into TM and heart health. In order to be 
published in peer reviewed journals or to be funded by the NIH, rigorous 
assessment is performed by highly experienced scientists. If the research was 
bogus or deeply flawed, the research would not be funded or published. 

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