Very informative article - I am aware of this elevated fear response with the 
deer, too, and am trying to slowly teach them that I can be trusted. The doe is 
hyper sensitive to movement and sound, especially when something like a camera 
is pointed her way. No doubt with the hunters around, the deer have been taught 
by example, to stay away from people. I notice that the fawns mimic mom's every 
move, and so learn the same 'values'.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Not sure if you meant Curtis or me here as your link also covers the topic I 
raised. Whatever . . .  

 I've seen Temple Grandin featured before on documentaries and she is quite 
extraordinary. The idea of listening to and taking seriously what autistic (and 
other personality types operating on the margins of the "normal") men and women 
make of our shared world has to be a positive development. It's like being 
given a new scientific instrument that opens up a whole new vista. 

 Both of you but Curtis had just started the thread with a question but it is 
for you too if you find it interesting and relevant. And yes, a new 
"instrument" possibly capable of different perception that isn't on the order 
of psychic or those who sell themselves as "animal communicators". 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 I just found this and thought you could give it a skim. It answers your 
question probably better than I did.


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