How do we explain Barry's conviction that he witnessed Lenz rise up from the 


 Premise 1: The laws of physics imply that levitation events as claimed by 
Barry are improbable-verging-on-the- impossible.

 Premise 2: Barry is not communicating with us from the padded cell of an 
institute for the incurably insane.
 Premise 3: One in five people are suitable subjects for deep-hypnosis 

 Premise 4: Frederick Lenz was a hypnotist. (This seems likely in view of the 
testimony of ex-followers who do claim that Lenz could use mass hypnosis.)



 It's commonplace in hypnosis work to induce negative and positive visual 
hallucinations - I've seen Derren Brown convince someone that he (Derren) was 
invisible and that objects moving around in front of him were levitating - 
though we observers could see Derren himself simply lifting up and putting down 
the items. I can't see why a hypnotist couldn't persuade people that he was 
floating mid-air.

 That may not even be necessary: if Lenz was simply to give someone a 
post-hypnotic suggestion that they'd have the memory of having seen the master 
float - then induce amnesia of what was said during the hypnotic trance itself 
- the subject would faithfully recall the miraculous event. As 20 per cent of 
people are natural somnambulists, maybe Lenz selected from that group to be in 
his inner circle. Barry may not be naturally somnambulistic but as he's been 
into lots of weird shit he's probably trained himself to enter altered states.

 So I wonder if Barry recalls ever being formally hypnotised by Lenz?

 Maybe someone has another explanation?



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