Perhaps you can move UP, and share a few 'knock, knock' jokes with us - LOL

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Since so many seem to be vying for this position, I propose another "test" to 
help determine the winner. Uh...I mean, the ultimate loser. 

 JohnR has already expressed his dismay at having been considered less dumb 
than Jim, so I graciously retracted my suggestion that JimF is dumber, and 
allowed JohnR to retain his title. 


 BUT, in other threads, Nabby seems to be moving down the list towards the 
bottom fast in *his* attempt to be considered the Dumbest by coming out as a 
fan of cannibalism. You've got to admit that considering Indian vagrants who 
eat other people "saints" is pretty dumb, and tough to beat. That's even dumber 
than Waiting For Maitreya, which was Nabby's previous low mark in terms of 


 Therefore I suggest that if there needs to be a tie-breaker to decide whether 
JohnR or JimF are really the Dumbest, the title will go to whichever one of 
them "piles on" to the pro-cannibalism idea first and supports Nabby in his 
quest for the taste of human flesh. 


 I don't see any of the rest of the bottom-dwellers (Steve, Share, Ann, 
Richard) as having the ability to think on their own enough to win the Who Will 
Consume Human Flesh First contest, so I'm going to give the "edge" to JimF in 
this contest. After all, he's *already* moved out into the boonies, where there 
are fewer people around to notice if some of them go missing at the same time 
Jim seems to be preparing a new buncha meat for the winter in his smokehouse. 


 The only question seems to be whether Jimbo will share any of his Long Pig 
with Nabby, who, after all, suggested it first. If that happens, I suggest that 
we allow JimF and Nabby to share the title of "Dumbest," with JohnR in second 


 Aha. Now we understand why Maharishi ripped off the Burger King crown for his 




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