From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" <>

...For example there is a wide range of intelligence here. Now somebody, we are 
not saying who, must be the stupidest person on FFL, though in all fairness, 
they may have all moved over to The Peak, that phallic symbol pointing up into 
the sky. Once we discover the stupidest person here, one of us, or several of 
us need to attack that person's 'person', their ego, by implying directly and 
forcefully they are in fact, not just in surmise, the stupidest person on FFL. 
Then, Doug has to determine if the stupidest person here person has been 
sufficiently maligned to warrant action against the violator for having pointed 
out a simple fact. 

Interesting. You certainly make a good case for how difficult Doug's job will 

Just riffing on this theoretical scenario, Anartaxius, do you think it would be 
easier for Doug to make such a Solomon-like decision if the person who had been 
named as the stupidest person on FFL had made eight posts just in the two days 
since Doug was made moderator, *each* of them violating the Yahoo Guidelines in 
some way?
Of course I do not know. Suppose we called someone a criminal. Now that might 
violate the guidelines. But suppose that person was arrested the next day for a 
felony? Would the person making the now correct call be reinstated? Doug in 
posting definitions of various kinds of slurs included the word 'irreverence' 
but that word does not appear in the guidelines. I think that kicking a person 
off FFL for irreverence would be a violation of free speech, for from a 
religious person's view, an atheist is irreverent but has just as much right 
under U.S. law as people who have more difficulty grasping logic and fact. The 
religious unaffiliated are now 28.8% of the U.S. population, more than mainline 
Protestant, Catholic, and non-Christian believers. The only group larger than 
the 'nones' as they are called, is the Evangelical Christians. In the 
Netherlands, the religiously unaffiliated are 42.1% of the population and it is 
increasing. People are not just posting from the United States here. The 
'nones' are 27.8% of the United Kingdom (as long as it remains united anyway).

All good points. As for me, I don't know how Doug is going to work out in his 
new position as the moderator he's always wanted to be. His intent may be good, 
but I don't think I'm alone in questioning his ability to act fairly. I think 
the first indication of whether he can or not will be revealed in how he reacts 
-- or even IF he reacts -- to my two posts about his practice of spamming what 
*he* considers "The Yahoo Groups Guidelines" every day. 

As I've suggested, the first 307 words of that message (which has been reposted 
seemingly dozens of times now) strike me as OK, because they mainly ARE the 
actual Yahoo Guidelines, along with a few definitions of terms. The 1,300+ 
words that follow, however, are just one long rant by Doug, and one that 
strikes me as incredibly biased in support of one small group of people here 
and their viewpoint, while being equally incredibly bigoted *against* another 
group and *their* viewpoint. 

I honestly don't see how anyone who wishes to even *pretend* to be fair can 
keep posting it. 

In a very real sense, it's like someone who has been recently elected as a 
large corporation's Chief Equality Officer to insure that all races are treated 
equally releasing a daily memo whose first 300 words are the actual rules that 
prohibit discrimination, followed by a 1,300+ word diatribe against niggers. 


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