---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 My first send hasn't shown up. Maybe Doug has decided to hold my posts for 
approval. Let's see if this second try makes it...

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :
 Sure. Your accusation today that it was dishonest of me to post the last 
paragraph of Barry's post in which he declares he's going to ignore Doug 
completely. That was harassment, for the reasons I've already stated.

C: I said it was slippery.

 You said it was dishonest:

 Judy, who is the first to make a stink about the context of a quote when it 
serves her own purposes has clipped out this paragraph of Barry's from the 
thread context, dishonestly making it look like Barry said this in a vacuum.


 Which it was.

Me2: Well as long as we agree on its dishonesty, my point has been made.


 Don't be ridiculous. I explained to you why it was silly. You ignored that 
explanation and decided you wanted to talk about something else.

 So any opposition to your POV is "harassment?"

 Where did I say or suggest such a thing?

 Making up a dumb, frivolous accusation for the sole purpose of "getting" 
someone you don't like is harassment.

 Let me add this: Everybody was following the Doug-Barry confrontation with 
bated breath. Nobody thought he'd written that paragraph in a vacuum. And all 
they had to do was click on the link I provided if there was any question in 
their minds.

Me2: OK now that we have done the Judy dance I will state my point again. By 
singling out that quote you give an impression that was not true about Barry. 
In the context of being threatened by a moderator over his comment about Lynch 
and having just waded through some convoluted and fey logic about how his 
statement violated the yahoo guidelines, and in the context of a plea to Rick 
to stop this nonsensical farce,

his comment was highly restrained although he was obviously pissed off which is 
understandable IN CONTEXT.

So you chose to isolate it from that context to impose yours on it. 


 I guess you do have the moderator you deserve.


Me2: Excellent archaic word choice, I'm sure the equally old-timey Buck will 

But my point does not fold under your obfuscation by over focusing on the 
details that don't matter. You Judy are being hypocritical about this issue 
because of your bias. You should be he first to object to this behavior by Buck.

He banned Barry after making up a bogus charge.
He refused to answer question about why even from Alex.
He is acting against Rick's specific instructions and desires for his own group.
He lied about Rick being involved in the decision.

And here you are Judy, showing up as the perfect hypocrite, claiming I am 
harassing you by calling you on your BS.




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :


I do not say this. But sometimes it's obvious what state of mind a poster is 

 salyavin was just demanding that Ann quit what he called her "dumb harassment 
of Xeno." How about you quit your dumb harassment of me and other TM supporters?

 Or is the idea to make up for Barry's absence by emulating his harassing 
behavior? You, salyavin, and Curtis seem to be working pretty hard at it, if 
not very coherently.

Me: You are making a false accusation Judy. Or perhaps you would like to post a 
single example of me emulating "harassing behavior?" 


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