You know what.  I don't think it is much of a start. 

 How 'bout targeting the Imans who preach violent means to achieve the aims of 
Islam as they see it.

 Either drive them out of town, or, preferably, put a bullet in their head.

 This kumbaya coming out for "peace and unity" falls short in my opinion.

---In, <> wrote :

  From WashPo:

 "At least 4,000 French Muslims have confirmed they plan to attend a “Gathering 
with the Muslims of France for peace and national unity” that will take place 
in La Place de La République in Paris on Saturday. The Facebook page denounces 
the barbarism behind the terrorist attacks done in the name of a “man-made” 
Islam. It asks French Muslims to join because “we can’t remain silent in the 
face of these actions” and to instead advocate for the ultimate message of 
love, peace and tolerance."

 Well, that's a start. 


 France’s Muslims fear fresh backlash after terrorist attacks
 France’s Muslims fear fresh backlash after terrorist att...
 Many Muslims feel obligated to justify their faith.

 View on www.washingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 I don't think that's what he's saying, Ann. 

 He is saying that if France has a 7.5% Muslim population, you might expect see 
a more vigorous denouncement of these acts of terror.

 The fact that the Muslim population seems largely silent on the issue, if that 
is indeed the case, indicates that they, for whatever reason, are choosing to 
not speak out.

 Of course, it  has been said, that in the US, the Muslim population is more 
integrated into the overall community, whereas in France they are more 
segregated, and considered second class citizens.

 I will say that in my city, there appears to be a pretty good amount of 
integration of the Muslim population.

 I will say also, that in my city the black community has been very vocal about 
condemning black on black violence, in addition to black on white violence, and 
real and perceived indiscriminate violence against blacks by police

 I don't think anyone doubts that the majority of Muslims wish to get along 
with a more normal life, but unless they find a way to make their voice known, 
the situation will likely continue to deteriorate.

 And if those who fear Muslims, in general, continue to make their voice heard 
in the form of violence and censure then the deterioration will also continue. 
But I think, if you and Feste take a look, you can find plenty of evidence, 
online, of how many, many Muslims feel about the extremism.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 ---In, <> wrote :

 Nice try, Back, but the article refers only to a few individuals. 

 Do a little investigating of your own, Feste.  There is evidence everywhere 
that most Muslims/immigrants have no interest in either taking off your head 
and forcing you to convert.






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