Thanks for this.

 I remember attending a meeting in the ‘80s by a couple who were among the 
first ‘flyers’ in the UK, who announced that a Sidha was a ‘superior being’, as 
in a ‘superior being’ to others. The reaction in the room from those more of my 
age group was one of disbelief that people could even think such a thing, never 
mind say such a thing to others to their faces. 
 Feeling fortunate is surely to be nurtured, but in my opinion, anything 
engendering a feeling of superiority is to be avoided at all costs. If humility 
is a characteristic of spirituality, then perhaps, in certain areas, it does 
not transition well through cultural exchange. Presumably, one who is no longer 
‘the actor ‘but ‘the observer’, cannot rightly claim anything for himself. 
 I hope, in all the excitement and energy at the helm of power, the pillar that 
leads the concourse is the meditator from ‘the meditating community’.

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