These results were subsequently replicated in seven consecutive experiments 
over a two year period during the peak of the Lebanon war. The results of these 
interventions included:  • war-related fatalities decreased by 71% (p < 10-10) 
 • war-related injuries fell by 68% (p < 10-6 ) 
 • the level of conflict dropped by 48% (p < 10-8 ) 
 • cooperation among antagonists increased by 66% (p < 10-6 )


---In, <> wrote :

 The likelihood that these combined results were due to chance is less than one 
part in 1019, making this effect of reducing societal stress and conflict the 
most rigorously established phenomenon in the history of the social sciences 
(Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17(1): 285–338, 2005)

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Doug, it *may* be a better approach. However, it has, as of yet, to really be 
proven. To the average person, it sounds more than a bit much. Maybe one day 
the* movement* will allow independent studies of all of their claims. Till 
then, we are perceived as snake- oil salesmen and not taken seriously. The 
general public sees us as a benign cult and a bunch or weirdos that dress and 
talk funny and generally have odd behavior and beliefs. But one day....

 I think if they want to teach TM in schools or in prisons or to the men and 
women with PTSD that is great. But, for me, when I think of TM I think of the 
70's and the 80's (this is when I was practicing it and attending MIU etc) and 
it seems dated to me. While I have no problem with the technique or anyone 
practicing it, all the other hooplah seems like a money grab and borders on a 
bunch of hooey. If the die hards sitting around moldering on Purusha or Mother 
Divine want to continue to do so, all the power to them but this is for the 
equivalent of the fanatics in TM, IMO. The fact that some of my former 
classmates at the ripe old age of nearly 60 choose to live in FF is fairly 
quaint I'm pretty sure I couldn't manage it. That part seems all about 
community, though, which is fine as it is probably better than retirement in 
some old folks home.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2015 6:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Group Meditation Peace Assembly for EU Meeting
   Fortunately, there is a better solution—an innovative, peaceful, proven 
approach with a superior track record.


 Economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure are ineffective against terrorism. 
And military responses can further antagonize and enflame an already volatile 
population, leading to retaliation and greater terrorism—the inevitable 
consequence of attempting to create peace through violence. How, then, can such 
dangerous and complex threats be resolved?


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 The leaders of Europe, Russia, and the U.S. have been struggling to find 
appropriate and effective responses to the terrorist attacks in France—and to 
the ongoing conflicts in Syria and elsewhere.

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Military solutions are not always futile. We beat the living crap out of the 
Nazis and Japanese, pounded them into submission and haven't heard a peep out 
of them since.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:23 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Group Meditation Peace Assembly for EU Meeting
   Unfortunately, the options available to our military and political leaders 
to resolve these crises are poor. Economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure 
are ineffective against terrorism. And military responses can further 
antagonize and enflame an already volatile population, leading to retaliation 
and greater terrorism—the inevitable consequence of attempting to create peace 
through violence. How, then, can such dangerous and complex threats be resolved?


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :


 Research shows that war and social conflict are fueled by acute societal 
stress—mounting political, ethnic and religious tensions among rival factions 
that, if unchecked, inevitably erupt as social violence. Research similarly 
shows that it is possible to effectively defuse such acute societal tensions 
through the use of powerful, stress-reducing, peace-promoting technologies by a 
small fraction of the population, most commonly within the military or in 
schools or universities.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Achieving societal peace in a nation or a region torn by deep-seated political 
and religious tensions is historically difficult—especially given the 
underlying physiological root cause of social violence: acute and pervasive 
societal stress. Without addressing the buildup of acute societal stress, 
standard approaches to conflict resolution are unlikely to succeed. However, 
once such tensions have been substantially defused, achieving and maintaining 
societal peace becomes comparatively easy.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 I am missing the input of nablusoss1008 here on things like this.   Nablusoss 
was one of the few practitioners to bring their content over here and defend 

 I would hope Nablusoss could feel safe enough here now to come back on and 
help keep us informed of developments like this.  I should suspect that he 
would be in Brussels for a peace project like this. 

 Best Regards, 

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :



 Group Meditation in Brussels

 Our aim is to reach 1800 participants, which is 1% of the population of 



 The Maharishi Invincibility Centre in Brussels is very strategically located 
only a few hundred meters from the conference hall of the EU Leaders. 



 The meditating Assemblies start early in the morning on Thursdays, so it is 
recommended that participants arrive in Brussels on Wednesday evenings. The 
Assemblies end on Sundays after lunch. This course is offered for free. We can 
help you find suitable accommodation. To apply, send your email to brussels@... 
 Looking forward to welcoming at least 108 meditators in Brussels on all these 
occasions – please bring one or two friends!



 -         17-20 December 2015









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