Again, it does strike me as weird this preoccupation of some with how other 
people spend their money. 

 It is their money after all, and most people enjoy spending money.

 I don't think they need someone looking over their shoulder saying "Stop. I 
disapprove of you spending your money this way"

 I might be inclined to tell them to take a flying fuck in a rolling doughnut.  
I surely might.  (-:

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

  If others find it rewarding and helpful to pay money or to engage in all or 
some of these things, who cares and why? I mean, just look at the cosmetic 
industry, as one example, and how millions of women dish our their cash in 
order to look years younger or sexier when, in fact, it's all just so much 
snake oil? Every minute of every day we are spending time and money on stuff 
that is either misrepresented or just plain unproven and untrue or simply a 
waste of time. In the meantime, I'm banking on this lottery ticket I have to 
win me $50m so I can go out and buy the latest skin care products.

 From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Scientific Solution to Terrorism and War Deaths: 
TM found to reduce them by 70%!

 Any idea why they are bothering with this? It doesn't even mention yogic 
flying so if anyone takes it at face value and does some research, they'll 
instantly find this:


 And that will be that. 

 Anyone looking still further might wonder why we haven't done it anyway if it 
works. And then we can say; we have been doing it. And yagyas too! 

 So why doesn't it work? because it just doesn't. There is no action at a 
distance. None of the research goes anywhere proving that it does. The crime 
rate in Washington didn't fall any further than it randomly fluctuates over the 
year anyway, even the editors of the journal that one was published in weren't 

 And the Lebanon study was even more pointless, does anyone look back at that 
time and wonder why there was a few fewer deaths than expected when there 
people meditating in Jerusalem? Of course not, because there wasn't. You can't 
say that more people would have died if we weren't meditating, how are you 
going to prove it? There are lies, there are damn lies and there are statistics

 If this amazing "technology" caused world peace we'd already have it, aren't 
there 250,000 meditators in South America now? The crime rate in Washington 
would have dropped to nothing if yogic flying worked. The war in Lebanon would 
have stopped. Even if it's as good as the claimed unmeasurable effects, how 
would that help in Syria? 10% fewer beheadings than last month? Wouldn't that 
interfere with Saudi Arabian justice a bit? They won't like that.

 Let's face it, it's a nice idea - one of the best, but if they can't even 
explain how it might work by any known mechanism let alone demonstrate that it 
does it's dead in the water. Perhaps that's why this advert is heavy on 
promises and light on explanation?

 Fess up guys, if it worked the amount of meditators, yagyas and pundits all 
over the world would have had us all dancing in the streets by now, but we 
appear to be stuck with having to come up with actual solutions for problems 
rather than hoping some stirrings of bliss in some mythical unified field will 
magically save the world.

 I convert for evidence, but I aint ever seen none for magic, nor even had it 
explained how it might work.


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