Trump will implode soon enough. He will not win Iowa because his supporters 
will not show up in sufficient numbers. Many of them say they have not taken 
much interest in politics before, and they are also predominantly drawn from 
the less well educated. Attending an Iowa caucus takes time and commitment, and 
the majority who do it have long taken an active interest in politics and are 
college educated. He will lose badly in Iowa and it will be all downhill after 

I agree with what he says about Iraq though, in that NBC article. We should 
have left Saddam Hussein in place. 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 What you don't seem to recognize is, that is what makes him popular. He 
doesn't come off as a wimp but a strong leader, someone who will *fight* for 
what he wants. He is representing the antithesis of what the Republican Party 
has become, a bunch of wimps that roll over and do whatever the Democrats want, 
which is for them to shut up and get out of the way. Case in point is the most 
recent Omnibus bill that just passed in the House. Paul Ryan is in serious 
trouble with his own party. The louder and more *obnoxious* Trump gets, by your 
standards,the more popular he is going to become. Trump is a very polarizing 
figure but he is drawing people to him that Republicans never could. Every time 
he seems to shoot himself in the foot, he gets even more popular. I hate to 
think what it's going to take for him to implode.


 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 10:02 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Guy Is Certifiable
 Grump is nuts. I told you all he wants to do is win, to trumpet his greatness 
from his pinnacle atop the fallen bodies of his adversaries. Please, if nothing 
else, can you meditators put your attention on silencing this buffoon once and 
for all?



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