They already regret it! Europe has reached a tipping point.The really big 
problem is that Europe, as many other parts of the world, has an ugly history 
of ethnic cleansing and nobody wants to see that. But the status quo is 
unacceptable. Europe has driven out Muslim invaders before, from Spain and 
southeastern Europe. I believe we are in the beginning days of WW3. Islamic 
countries are going to be greatly offended that Western countries don't want to 
accept the people that they have driven out from their own. Nobody wants them. 
They left their own countries because they couldn't get along and they can't 
get along in the countries that they try to go to. A classic case of Adharma!


      From: feste37 <>
 Sent: Saturday, January 9, 2016 9:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Helsinki - Welcomed the migrants for New Year
    The Muslims should stay in their own countries and not bring their 
disgusting rape culture to Europe. Europe has every right to refuse them entry 
and will regret not doing so. 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <> wrote :

Europe should close its doors to these "asylum seekers" and preserve their own 
culture before it is too late. In some places it may already be too late. I am 
thinking of Sweden, where within a few years ethnic Swedes will be a minority 
in their own country, due to decades-long influxes from the Middle East and 
Africa, higher immigrant birth rates, and the "right" of the families of such 
immigrants to join them in Sweden. 

It is time we stood up for our own values, including the rights of women, which 
have been hard-earned over many decades. 
Who isn't standing up for their rights, Feste? Who has rolled over and played 
dead? Allowing refugees or immigrants enter any country is giving up nothing. 
You don't think these events in Koln and elsewhere will create huge push back? 
It has started a firestorm already, so stop worrying.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <emptybill@...> wrote :

Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report
|  |
|  |     |  |     Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at N... Finnish 
police 'tipped off' about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass 
women |  |
|     View on    |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

Note to Pants: don't attend any future New year's eve public events in Europe 
and stay clear of those stinkun' immigrants if you do. Your purse might be 
wrestled from your grip and your chastity threatened. If you do go, take you 
boyfriend to protect you.
BTW, immigrants and refugees are two different groups. Those whose birthplace 
was not necessarily the country they are current residents of are immigrants. 
Those who are fleeing their country of birth under duress are refugees. 
In addition, I would hope that you would be more proactive in the future to 
this age-old problem of sexual harassment of both genders. Here are some 
sobering statistics for you to view as you seem very interested in this 
subject. Or, are you simply focusing on the immigrant factor when it comes to 
sexual assault and harassment as a way to spread your hate of the 
Muslim/immigrant/foreigner? Naw, you have to be bigger than that, don't 

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