
 In the American politics, that's called lobbying which is legal.  However, 
payoffs, bribary and "protection" money are not.

 This distinction is similar to the words "tax avoidance", which is legal, and 
"tax evasion", which is not.


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 John, you don't think that amount of money was not a pay-off or bribe for a 
heads-up or favors? That money was for *protection*. Clinton Mafia protection 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, February 6, 2016 1:00 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Did Hillary Clinton Make a Strategic Mistake?

 Whoopi Goldberg seems to think accepting the money was ok.  So, many Democrats 
probably think the same  way too.


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 I haven't been following the Dems campaign too closely, the other one being so 
entertaining, but I like what I see in Hillary.  When Anderson Cooper pressed 
her on the $675,000 the other night, I thought she handled it pretty well, 
essentially saying, "hey, that's what they were willing to pay me, so I 
accepted it" 

 Yes, it may give the appearance of greed, but her out is, "it will not 
influence my actions, or how I will legislate".

 You can accept that, or not, but that is her "out".

 I see no other candidate who has any sort of nuanced approach to the issues, 
and she comes across as a dynamic speaker in the venues where I listened to her 
speak.  Not to mention she seems to have a decent sense of humor.  Perhaps a 
most important quality, in my book.

 On the other hand, I haven't been following BS too much.  I do not agree with 
many of his positions.

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 By accepting $675,000 for two speeches?  What do you think?

 Hillary Clinton, blind to her own greed, makes another blunder
 Hillary Clinton, blind to her own greed, makes another b...
 Hillary's sense of entitlement blinds her

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