Yes, they earned it but it also was very unlikely taxed as income. Even if it 
had been, we get double taxed all the time! We get taxed on everything. Might 
as well get taxed on doing something illegal.
They already are bring their children here. In the last two  years, the 
majority of illegals were children and younger adults who's parents were 
already here. Not only do we have anchor babies but now we have anchor 
parents!A wall will stop this flow of undocumented people coming, which already 
is and has been, putting a strain on all of our social systems and PRISONS!

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 1:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Can This Guy Stoop Any Lower?
    Re "Because these people earned this money, it is theirs to spend it any 
way they like.": 
Mind you, I think the same applies when I hand over money to a pan-handler in 
the street.
Once the cash leaves my hand it is his to do with as he chooses. I'd prefer it 
to go on food and shelter but if it goes towards booze so be it.
The UK government is annoyed about Poles in Britain sending allowances to their 
children living in Poland. But if they brought the kids over to the UK it would 
mean an additional drain on school places, health care and housing. Not sure 
the government has got its sums right. 

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

That's pretty much how I figured he would do it, except  I was thinking more in 
line of a tax on money transfers to Mexico. The plan really sounds reasonable.. 
They (illegals) violate our immigration laws and the Mexican government 
actually encourages it because they are the beneficiaries of illegal 
immigration. They need to pay their *fair share* of the problem that they help 
to create. Mexico doesn't tolerate Central Americans illegally immigrating to 
their country. Ten billion is a small price to pay to keep an annual cash flow 
of 25 billion. I don't really understand how you can call that *stooping low*.
Because these people earned this money, it is theirs to spend it any way they 
like. If Americans willingly hire illegals to work then they know what the hell 
they're doing - they're hiring labor that might be the only ones willing to do 
the job that needs doing for the amount of money they are willing to pay. It 
takes two to tango. Once that money is earned, the earner can do with it as 
they like - if that means sending it to other family members or whatever it is 
they are doing then that is their right. Plus, monitoring who is sending what 
and how they are sending it would be impossible. Not to mention, Trump is going 
to deport all 8 million illegal Mexicans as soon as he sits in the Oval Office 
so how is he going to keep the illegals who he already kicked out from sending 
money to a place where he already deported the illegals to? It just keeps 
getting funnier and funnier.

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2016 10:18 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Can This Guy Stoop Any Lower?

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