---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Anne, Kasich is more of the same old same old. Stagnation, pure and simple. 
The same with Hillary. The people supporting Trump, Cruz and Bernsie want a 
shake- up. They are tired of the same old stuff. I'm not sure if any of them 
can deliver, considering that the parties will still control congress. However, 
what's even more important is the direction of the Supreme Court and the next 
few appointments. Scalia needs to be replaced and Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg will 
probably be the next to go....soon. 

 God, I watched Trump's family on CNN Town Forum tonight with Anderson Cooper 
and I wasn't sure I could do it but I lasted the entire time. Here is the 
thing, Kasich might be "the same old same old" but at least he's not batshit. 
Trump's family were like a bunch of waxworks but Ivanka is well-spoken (even if 
she's on the wrong side) and the wife appears nice enough (although I'd love to 
be a fly on the wall) and when you watch these Ozzie and Harriet Leave it to 
Beaver All-American (white and WASP) families sit and chit chat around the 
hearth it is quite hilarious. What is all of this supposed to prove? That the 
average American male running for President is a well-adjusted family man, 
adored by his offspring and doting wife and that, when not in the harsh 
spotlight, he really is a good poop - playing chess with his kids and teaching 
them to say their prayers at night and admonished not drink and take drugs? 
That he is kind-hearted, sensitive and personally wishes everyone could just 
get along? Here is what I believe: those who are planning on voting for Trump 
will not be swayed otherwise and those planning on voting for someone else will 
similarly not be swayed to vote for Trump - no matter how great a father and 
husband he is purported to be. 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anyone But...?
 I am of the strong opinion of agreeing with those who will vote for anyone 
except Trump. Even Ted Cruz would be preferable but only because by voting for 
him you are hopefully denying Trump delegates. But my question is, if you 
insist on being a Repugnant Republican then why not Kasich? At least the guy 
seems somewhere in the middle of crazy rather than on the extreme either end of 



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