Ann, I'm just not ruled by liberal logic which has no basis in thinking because 
it's based in *feeling*. "Well.. how does that make you feel about... What do 
feel the best thing to do is? I feel things would be better if..." The melting 
pot you describe is now the segregating pot of hyphenated Americans. Democrats 
have done everything they can imagine to divide people up into smaller groups 
and convince them that they have gotten a raw deal. The strategy is called 
divide and conquer. Just watch the next Democratic convention and see how many 
ethnic groups that they say they are going to do something special for at 
everyone else's expense.. 
All presidents in the past welcomed immigrants as long as they assimilated into 
the American culture. You guys have it just the opposite, everyone here 
before,who has assimilated or is trying to, must assimilate into the cultures 
of the new immigrants.
Instead of epluribus unum, out of many ,one. Democrats have created Ex Uno 
Plures, out of one, many.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] This up yet??

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Judy, when I say Brexit was a *done deal*, I'm referring to the idea, that  the 
results of that vote fooled the pundits, all of the experts.Almost every week 
since last summer, nearly every political pundit was heard or seen saying that 
Trump's latest comment was the one that would finish him. He can't *win* any 
longer. His political *blunders* only made him stronger and more popular to 
everyone's astonishment. There was always an excuse why he couldn't go on.
You're making the same *possible* mistake. "Oh, he only won primaries" , No 
more of those, now he can't possibly win any more voters.
 Well, there are about 20% of voters who haven't made up their minds yet. As 
far as Republicans go, many are not enthusiastic about him, don't like him, 
even hate him but... the overwhelming majority know the consequences of *not* 
voting for him. *Never Hillary* will be the rallying cry.
The undecided voters are another story. Be my guest if you want to 
underestimate Trump's ability to gain their support but you better hope things 
in Europe get quiet. There is an anti-immigrant sentiment growing in the west. 
More and more people are demanding that our borders, customs and culture be 
respected and terrorism addressed effectively instead of justified.

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. Who is the "our" here? What makes up the "customs and 
culture" of the US of A? Are you just thinking white Anglo Saxons here or are 
you including all of the millions of other ethnicities that live in the US and 
have created this glorious melting pot? I just don't think you think half of 
the time.
(snippity do da)  
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