And on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Giuliani told host Jake Tapper, “You are 
ignoring completely the fiduciary obligation that he has to all the people 
around him to run his business at the lowest possible expense.” But that 
argument is a strained one. Fiduciary duty generally refers to the duty of care 
public company officials owe to their shareholders to operate a business to 
maximize shareholder value. Trump reportedly took the loss on his personal 
income tax returns so fiduciary duty to investors would likely not apply. 
Suggesting it would apply would mean that Trump's family members could sue him 
for not using losses to offset his tax burden, a far-fetched scenario.

 Trump boosters laud his tax ‘genius’ 
 Trump boosters laud his tax ‘genius’ 
Democrats pounce, arguing Trump’s tax avoidance shows how the rich don’t pay 
their share.
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 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 BTW, Bernie would be disappointed in your excuses for Trump:

 Sanders: Trump tax bombshell is evidence of inequality
 Sanders: Trump tax bombshell is evidence of inequality
 Assuming the activity was legal, Sanders said, the report is proof of a 
"corrupt tax system."

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 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Lots of information is available about Trump's tax and business chicanery. 
It's not just a matter of the government getting only what it's entitled to. 

 You wouldn't know any of this, of course, because you don't like reading 
things unfavorable to Trump; you'd much prefer to read material that smears 

 The Clinton Foundation does not look like a tax dodge, BTW.



 ---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 So how to you handle your Canadian tax returns, Anne?  Do you just give away 
money or make sure the government only gets what they are entitled to?  You of 
anyone on FFL should have a good sense of how business people deal with taxes 
(regardless of political persuasion).  The question should be how much did 
Trump's companies pay in taxes as well as what is really going on with the 
Clinton Foundation as it looks like a tax dodge too.
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 On 10/02/2016 08:41 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


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