 The desire and idea heard most from people, especially recently, to bring our 
community closer together, and stop the growing political tension and entropy 
in our country, is for our Movement VIPs/leaders to come to Program at least a 

 *** To effect this it is not necessary for any one vip to come all the time or 
even often.***

 If even one different leader were at most Programs, that would be enough to 
deeply and beautifully help transform our Sidha community. Perhaps more than 
any other single action that could be done. And - it costs nothing. 

 If there are 60 men leaders or VIPs, and 60 women, each person would only need 
to come to one program per month - not a lot to ask or suggest. A few leaders 
and donors are already coming regularly, including several graduates of Raja 
Raam's course, and Enlightenment Course graduates. 

 Just as leaders can join together to raise funds, leaders can join together to 
raise consciousness, unity, and harmony. 


 The IAA Grant situation is not just about funding - nothing is only about 
funding. Funding is a function of support of Nature, plus individual creativity 
and initiative. Nature support will be greatly enhanced by higher Super 
Radiance attendance, and by Sidha community unity and morale. I am hearing 
repeatedly from a variety of responsible people that the single best thing that 
could be done to increase community unity and morale, and increase IAA 
 is for more leaders to be together at Program. No one expects any leader to 
come all the time or even often. 

 If opinion leaders and role models don't do something, guess what is going to 
happen to that program eventually?

 Even a smaller sub-group of leaders who organize to do this would have a large 
effect, if that group is large enough. Not all leaders need participate, but a 
sufficient number.


 A Raja told me recently that he is not aware of any instructions from 
Maharishi to Rajas in general or Enlightenment Course graduates to not to come 
to Group Program, it's just that it would take a little adjustment. An 
adjustment on even rare occasions by a sufficient number of leaders could be a 
turning point for our community unity, morale, and IAA participation. 

 Thank you very much for helping to uphold our Movement. 


That we have got the separated and disenfranchised old ™ movement meditators 
here out sitting in Fairfield’s cafes and coffee shops during the group 
meditation times is bad enough but these Raja and the movement apparatchiks who 
defend the Raja standing in the way of remediating what obviously needs be done 
is itself counter-revolutionary. Quite evidently it is the Trustees, Raja and 
their apparatchiks themselves who need to be taken out and re-educated by the 
best of the science on the Meissner-like effect of meditating in groups.  How 
could it have got so bad for the Dome meditation numbers? It is terrible how 
bad they have let the administrative state of it get and evidently keep at it 
by their inaction on what has become the status quo of decline. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 There is a crisis of leadership here at the top. 

 In our case here at the Dome the sheep herders mostly don't meditate in the 
group at the Domes.

 Communal Critical mass?

 It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in the group meditations.  There are way too many 
“non-compete” clauses that remain in the guidelines, still. Clauses that 
exclude capable meditators from the collective of the group meditations.  It is 
sinful what the Rajas have continued to abide in excluding people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Given all that we do know about the power of group meditation and what we do 
have here to facilitate a group in meditation we must have new and brilliant 
leadership on this now to wield the power of our group meditators meditating 
here. The leadership must move immediately from their narcissisms to 
magnanimity.  The status quo of 37 years spent separating people from the 
movement and the group meditation is not good enough.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :


 It is terrible that the Trustees and Rajas and those who defend them have let 
it get so bad with the meditating numbers here. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Yep it seems a frightened flock of meditators now.
 A best thing you hope for as a sheep shepherd is a leader-sheep in the flock 
who has a steady eye with enough bravery and inner wisdom to gather up and lead 
a flock with you. 

 You look for the sheep with courage to step up and lead and then give them 
enough calmness and encouragement to come forward.  That part takes being a 
good human being in character.  Those guys of the Patterson-Morris 
administrative state of TM it seems clear now did not have what it takes to 
shepherd people, they probably should never have administrated anything.

 177 in the Dome the other morning. 

 Rajawilliamsmith wrote:

 Sheep herders lead from behind.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Only 179 in the Dome the other morning. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 It is time for a new policy of inclusion. The old adage is, “You can’t lead 
from behind”.  The ™ Rajas need to bravely get out front on this now. And,those 
Raja who can’t need to recuse themselves and get out of the way. 

 This part of culture change is going to take some extraordinary leadership by 
some brave Rajas to step in to position out in front of us all. ..Grant them 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 I appreciate your concern here but it would be an invasion of some people's 
privacy to go on about this here. The more important thing here in this subject 
thread is what cultural fiduciary position the TM Raja have with the TM 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <wle...@aol.com> wrote :

 Please share with us as U may know what Rajas have left or become in active in 
our movement! Thanks in advance 4 this news
 -----Original Message-----
 From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 Sent: Thu, Apr 6, 2017 2:20 pm
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating in the Dome
 The TM Rajas? The TM Raja of America? They are the equivalent of corporate 
executive vice-presidents with some Trustees as directors over them. Except for 
Dr. Hagelin as Raja of America who is also one of a small group of the trustees 
at the top of everything TM. In the flow chart they can be like divisional exec 
VP-CEO’s of areas or lesser incorporations of the larger corporation. It is 
time for them Raja all to collectively rise up together and effect change in 
the Administrative State of the TM Movement’s group meditations.
 Flow chart, for instance:
 374777FW: How Our Community Works
 Corporate Communal TM, the flow chart.. 
 Some number of those who became Raja with Maharishi have abandoned their posts 
and are long gone now on to other things. Yet there are some who are dedicated 
holding steady to corporate missions. Jai Guru Dev 
 What is Raja of  America?
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 There are two lines of thought here that work in opposition, the evident 
statistical fact of science for meditation and meditation in groups and then 
the ‘administrative state’ of the Domes that excludes practicing meditators of 
the community from the Domes. 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 It is way past time to re-draft the national guidelines that regulate 
membership for inclusion in the group meditations.  There are way too many 
“non-compete” clauses that remain in the guidelines, still. Clauses that 
exclude capable meditators from the collective of the group meditations.  It is 
sinful what the Rajas have continued to abide in excluding people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Just simply reading the published science, it is compelling. 
 A common sense of the statistical fact of the science certainly justifies now 
an immediate change of the membership guidelines for facilitated group 
meditations to directly remediate the hurtful damage that was done to people 
that suppresses still the collective meditation in the United States.  The 
‘fundamental’ problem now in this are the Raja of the corporate culture. By the 
science these Raja of TM should come to be the ones now asking for, demanding, 
change to improve our circumstance of the collective meditation here. 

 Well, i gots to say that the Dome is an awesome activated place to meditate. A 
No-mantra- no-thought waking down awakened transcendent kind of place. 

 A lot of mornings I just go there for a shorter meditation time and leave to 
get on with the farm day. 200 percent. That also is very much within the 
instructions of the program that M gave us. I often get there early and I am on 
my way for the day before they start yogic flying.  I would encourage folks to 
update their badges and at least go for their meditation in the group, even if 
they don’t do 'the long program' anymore.  The Dome, is a fabulous place to 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com mailto:j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com> wrote :

I stopped doing program about 25 years ago, so The Vedic Inquisition has no 
power over me. And, because I'm making possible the Petra Stanley Center for 
Regenerative Organic Agriculture on campus, I'm on very good terms with Hagelin.
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 Om no, Alex. You may be throwing your Dome meditation badge status on the hard 
rocks of the Dome badge guidelines with this.   Publicly bringing Misra in 
here, a competing system to the Rajas’.  Our movement ‘administrative state’ 
works this place to sieve out members who would promote other systems. 
 “We have some questions we should like to ask you..”

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 Only 180 meditating in the men's Dome this morning. 
 Raja William, you raise an important equivalence which the science is making 
more and more evident, that we are in the service of all humankind here with 
this transcendental meditationist project for Global peace that we have going 
here.  Though, I feel (people) may judge Dr. Hagelin too harshly at this point. 
He has only recently consolidated being Raja of America and now President of 
the University. Though he is unable to rule simply by decree I feel great 
changes are in the corporate community works. 
 rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com mailto:rajawilliamsm...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 Can anyone help me out with trying to understand what is going on in the 
domes.. and what non compete agreements are that cause people not to go to the 
domes , now just to clarify . I agree with John Hagelin about fanatical 
believers , although don't know if i would call them fanatical, but quoting 
Maharishi to assert a meaning which not there, is common, Maharishi always gave 
a discourse, to express a holistic meaning and understanding, An enlighten mans 
understanding. ..
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 I get asked all the time by meditating folks in town, “Have they changed?” 
“Have things changed?”      
 Dr. Hagelin explained in a meeting more recently: there are those who assert, 
“Maharishi -‘saids’..” but that if you really spent time with Maharishi what 
you saw, that what was more important and you could appreciate was ‘what 
Maharishi thought’ and ‘what he did’. That Maharishi was completely practical 
and adaptive as to what was brought to him and need at hand. It is time for 
re-adaptive change here. 
 It is time for the fanatical believers to get out of the way of meditating in 
the Domes, it is time for them to stand aside on this. 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
<dhamiltony...@yahoo.com mailto:dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :
 We have a need at hand with the group meditation in the Domes here. More 
recently the numbers were down around 190 in the men’s Dome.  Drs. Hagelin and 
Nader being top-educated western trained scientists are data guys and will make 
these spiritual decisions based on data but they have to work with people to 
get things done.  The fanatics need to step aside on this, to ‘recuse’ 
themselves if needs be. It is time. 
 It is time to overrule the fanatics and change the guidelines by extending the 
olive branch of membership back to those who have been separated from the 
movement during this late era of the Patterson-Morris administrative state of 
the USA movement. It is time for the ™ Rajas to collectively step up to the 
problem that was created in the US movement before and expect instead a healthy 
change towards expansion.  


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