8 March, 2018: Thousands of people were left without power as a storm brought 
more than 2ft (60cm) of snow to the US east coast. 
 More than 800,000 customers were without electricity, including some who have 
been without power since last Friday's powerful winter storm.
 March 2: Severe storms have battered the US eastern seaboard, causing coastal 
flooding and power outages and bringing travel services to a halt.
 Heavy rains and damaging winds.. More than a million residences were without 

 Seawater flooded coastal streets for the second time this year caused by an 
extreme high tide. Strong winds brought branches or entire trees down on 
streets, cars, and homes. Massive snows.  Declared states of emergency. 

 Om, what lamentation!



 March 2,  Up to 30,000 people were under evacuation orders in foothills of 
Santa Barbara County, with sheriff's deputies going door-to-door ordering 
people to leave, 
Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Respite:  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or 



 There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa
 on AirBnB.



 For meditators, come meditate along with other meditators in Fairfield, Iowa.
 There are several group meditations in Fairfield to attend. Also meetings
 to attend with other meditators.
 Fairfield, Iowa is a fabulous place for spiritual respite, renewal.


 An Iowa retreat offers a place of peace to those fleeing extreme weather 

 Also a place to learn to meditate.. 



 Lodging and Housing 




 Fleeing towards respite, 
 throw essential belongs you may have into a car and start driving.

 Note: Available Short-term Lodging of Meditators who practice the ™-Sidhis is 
now more opened up at the pundit campus. For Short-term accommodation, 
including meditation with the group 
 but rounding on the ‘long program’ of the Assembly is no longer required for 
rental lease at the pundit campus.
 2 Room Suites at $320 Including Utilities, 
 2 Bedroom cottages at $320 including Utilities.  
 #     https://sites.google.com/view/idealifeassembly/home 

 AirBnB accommodations also available in the Fairfield area.. 


 "Hayam Dukan Anagatam"
 "Avert the danger which has not yet come"

 Bhairitu offers: The earth is just "unstressing." :-)

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Better to move to Fairfield than come as a refugee. -Maharishi

 While the Domes themselves are spiritually powerful activated places to 
meditate, in the Fairfield meditating community in town there are a number of 
nice meditations throughout the wek that people can sit with. There are a 
number of meditator churches which are quite spiritual. There are quite a lot 
of spiritually powerful people living here to be with even if meditators could 
not directly qualify for a badge to meditate in the Domes.

 ‘Give us the tired,  The huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched 
refuse of these teeming super-storms.’  Come to respite now, to meditating 
Fairfield, Iowa.. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 Weather Disasters In  2017 Cost More Than $300 Billion...
 ..Thousands Evacuate In Southern California As Mudslides Turn Deadly 


 Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.

 Respite:  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or 


 There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa

 California Struggles To Gain On Fires As New Ones Appear Daily Authorities in 
California have issued new evacuation orders as a huge wildfire flares up again 
in Santa Barbara County.

 October 1:
 a 1012 mb low centered across the
central Florida peninsula near 29N81W. A strong pressure gradient
N of 29N W of 79W is generating near gale to gale force NE to E 
winds. The gradient is forecast to relax within 24 hours.
 Sept. 2017 Storms.. 
 Maria remains a large hurricane.  Hurricane-force winds extend
 outward up to 105 miles (165 km) from the center and
tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 240 miles (390 km). Heading 

 Maria is a category 3 hurricane. Maximum sustained winds are near 115 mph (185 
km/h) with higher
gusts. Maria to be on the mainland Atlantic coast in four days.  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 If Jose makes a progressive turn to the left and rubs up against coastal New 
England in the next few days, then Fairfield, Iowa as a place of a meditative 
respite from the storm is two long days drive from the George Washington Bridge 
on I-80. 

 I have made that drive, a whole lot back in days of teaching TM out there and 
also for a few decades in brokering horses. ..Toledo, Ohio makes a good halfway 
point from the GW Bridge. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :

 The U.S. east coast from North Carolina
northward to New England should monitor the progress of hurricane Jose.

 Seeking respite, last nite at the open 5 to 6pm group silent meditation in 
downtown in Fairfield came another person also just arrived in escaping the 
smoke and fires of Oregon.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote :


Met someone escaping from Oregon at the Fairfield Square unloading belongings 
from a u-haul to an apartment. All summer long there has been smoke in the air 
 Their house is okay but the smoke is deadly. 

 Map of western fires:



 NPR: Even people much farther from the flames are feeling health effects from 
acrid smoke. ..It's an unusually bad wild fire season in the West, and for 
weeks people across the region have been breathing air thick with smoke.

 I Met a longtime meditator downtown in Fairfield, Iowa this weekend who had 
just arrived from Montana. Fire smoke and ash all around out there. 
 NPR: “It's an unusually bad wildfire season in the West, and for weeks people 
across the region have been breathing air thick with smoke.”

 Floridians escaping Irma can get diagonal roads heading to Iowa going up 
through Nashville. 

 Californians fleeing fires and heat can get to Fairfield, Iowa on Interstate 
80.  A few days drive and you will be here.


 Met a meditator in Fairfield, Ia. yesterday who with fires burning within a 
half mile of their home left behind their home in California. Told of having 
smoke and ash at their home in California for weeks now. 


 Fleeing towards respite, 

 throw essential belongs you may have into a car and start driving. 

 Gulf States people can drive up on Interstate 35 through Kansas City or on 
I-55 through St. Louis to Fairfield, Iowa. 
 A couple of days driving and you will be there.  

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