On Sunday, April 22, 2018, 8:22:36 PM GMT, jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:  

Based on the Drake equation, there should be millions of civilizations in the 
universe that are intelligent to communicate with others in their light sphere. 
 Why don't we notice any of them?  It may be possible that they're more 
advanced in their evolution to understand the meaning of existence and the 
unity of life everywhere. 
It is very difficult to draw realistic conclusions from the conjectures of the 
Drake formula. 
Some research in the survivability of species indicates a species's lifetime is 
only about a million years, and the maximum density of a species might last 
slightly less than half of that. 
Other estimates are the likelihood of intelligent life on a planet in the 
'habitable zone' is about 1 in 60 billion. Adding to that how many species 
develop communication and send signals into space is another problem difficult 
to define.
The ability to detect signals declines four times with a doubling of the 
distance from us, and background noise at the same frequencies increasingly 
interferes with detection as the signal strength declines.
So, if we listen in for their signals, they may not have yet evolved as you 
say, or have gone extinct, or simply never appeared in the first place, and if 
they did, did they develop communication technology, and finally, are they too 
far away.

It may be possible that they understand their own individual self is part of 
the Self or Being that comprise the entire existence in the world.   On the 
other hand, there may be species out there, which have not yet evolved to 
develop science and technology.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam, it is written that Narada, a rishi, was able to 
traverse the universe to teach others of the Vedic knowledge.  So, if this is 
true, then there are other civilizations which have learned the wisdom from 
Narada and his disciples.  If so, they may have learned that the Bliss is 
everywhere in the universe and may have already understood us in their 
consciousness even before we met them.
The stories in spiritual tomes are often fantastic and metaphorical, and it is 
often impossible to determine if they actually happened. 
One of the interesting question would be how would a non-human conscious being 
with intelligence experience the world and understand the connexions? 
Even among us humans, we have dreamed up multiple scenarios for the nature of 
reality that seem largely incompatible with each other from life being 
horrendous suffering to unlimited bliss. Take the idea of pure consciousness.. 
Described as having no qualities, it could not therefore be bliss. Knowing 
bliss and being able to differentiate it from suffering would require something 



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